Ask Dixie anything - really anything......

First of all, that's great you're going back to school in August. Best of luck with studies. :thumb:

Is Maddie signing more now?

Have you yet to meet FreakyCat?

Did you fight like mad if your mother tried to stuff you in a dress or girly outfits when you were a child?

Do you think the legal system's soft on paedophiles and rapists?

Who do you rather see become President-Obama or McCain?

Have JClarke sent you Vegemite, Tim Tam or Milo yet?

I hope he did! He owes it to Australia to educate youse on our food and stuff. ;)

:rofl: Unfortunately, I haven't and I thought that sending food to other countires isn't allowed? :confused:
Those Chuckie movies scared the crap out of me when I was a little kid - no wonder I never played with dolls much.

oh lol. I never seen the chuckie movies. Are they horror movies or something?? I'm gonna go out 4 a bike ride now lol
:rofl: Unfortunately, I haven't and I thought that sending food to other countires isn't allowed? :confused:

Actually, you can. I have sent a tube of Vegemite and a pack of TimTam to USA with no problem.

Give it a try and she'll give you many kisses when she gets it. ;)
Actually, you can. I have sent a tube of Vegemite and a pack of TimTam to USA with no problem.

Give it a try and she'll give you many kisses when she gets it. ;)

I will send her a small jar of Vegemite, a bar of TimTams, and a small jar of Milo... She'll be head over heels with these. ;)
If you were the President for USA for 4 years term. What will you do to improve the country?

Improve education, healthcare, and the economy.

Education - requiring all children enter a pre-K program if they are to be enrolled into a public school. This program would be a half-day program to teach children what will be expected of them when they enter Kindergarten. Kind of like a step between pre-school and Kindergarten.

Healthcare- using European style system to ensure that ALL citizens have access to healthcare not just the lucky ones that have health insurance. This obviously would not be an overnight change, but would be gradually introduced over a 4 year period.

Economy - Do away completely with extended unemployment benefits, bring back jobs that have been sent overseas, and start having programs where those who would be drawing unemployment can draw a paycheck by working part-time for their local fire and rescue squads by cleaning and checking equipment and stocking supplies to cleaning the quarters and cooking meals for the on-duty civil service officers. This gets them off their posteriors and helps their community in a way. The current unemployment benefits program is being abused by those that simply want to draw a free paycheck for as long as possible. This needs to be completely re-worked so that our workforce can be stronger and in turn our economy becomes stronger because now the tax balance is back in order becuase we now have more people paying in necessary taxes to cover other necessary government programs.

Also we need to get out of the Middle East conflict completely. It is their problem to deal with not ours; we shouldnt be meddling in it. When we do get involved, we put unnecessary American lives at risk. Look at how our involvement in it has caused petrol to rise worldwide! If we simply removed ourselves oil prices would drop dramatically to pre- Iraq War prices.
But then again I'm just a blue collar line worker - so what do I know??
I'm sure that Dixie will just escape from USA and marry me in Australia :rofl:

Thats a wonderful alternative to having to solve all of the world's problems in 4 years!
First of all, that's great you're going back to school in August. Best of luck with studies. :thumb:
Thank you I make the switch next week then I have to take a placement exam to see where I am academically and whether or not I will need remediation in certain subject areas. I should pass the English grammar and composition part with flying colors but the math I know I will struggle with.

Is Maddie signing more now?
Yes and no. I have showed her new signs and she has learned them but we havent been practicing as much as I know we should. Its been crazy around here the last few weeks and shows no sign of slowing down. Perhaps when we return to our school year routine we will once again find time to sit down and practice.

Have you yet to meet FreakyCat?
No, but I really want to. We just never seem to connect. Maybe we'll luck out sometime this fall if me and her happen to be in Russ-vegas on the same day.

Did you fight like mad if your mother tried to stuff you in a dress or girly outfits when you were a child?
Absolutely. I would have much rather wore nice slacks and a shirt than a floweredy(yes thats what I called them!) dress, panty hose, and uncomfortable dress shoes that wore blisters on my feet. As I got older she quit trying to dress me, but she sure does complain alot! I'll have to pull out some photos from my school days to show you.

Do you think the legal system's soft on paedophiles and rapists?
Yes, they let them parole out and 'hope they register on the sex offender list upon release' when the reality is that they often flee to another country and prey on children there. I think sex offenders should be castrated, beaten, and have various objects shoved up their posterior to inflict as much pain as possible, then release them to the roughest part of prison where they can become victims of abuse as well. Before they are released they are automatically registered as a sex offender, placed under 24/7 monitoring by way of a GPS device attached to their leg, when they get within 100ft of places where children commonly congregate an alarm sounds off their anklet as well as local authorities being notified. The anklet alarm continues to sound until it is turned off by an LEO.

sex offenses should never come off one's record.

Who do you rather see become President-Obama or McCain?
Barack Obama. McCain isnt being direct and upfront enough whereas Obama is more upfront about things.

Have JClarke sent you Vegemite, Tim Tam or Milo yet?

I hope he did! He owes it to Australia to educate youse on our food and stuff. ;)
No, but I would love for him to send me some Australian candy I'm willing to try anything new.
I have heard of Tim Tam but not sure exactly what it is. The other two I've never heard of.
Vegemite -


Milo -

Good for drinking. (Milo with Milk)
Both are made my American companies (Kraft and Nestle'), but Im still curious to try. I assume that Milo is a powder of some sort to mix with your milk?
Yes, Dixie - you'll see when I have time and money to send it over....