As alldeaf turns. {a play}

MsGiglz said:
kuifje75: "AAAHHHHHH! You painted my motorcycle pink!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey kuifje!!! sell it to me! :)

Gladly! I can see you using it to chase Heather with your paintball gun! *lach* Name of the motoercycle? Douchebag buster? :-P
*squealing with delight!* BostonIceFire.. dominatrixes at their best!! Ohhh girly!! It's sooo nice to know that there's another dominatrix here besides me!! :mrgreen:
kuifje75 said:
Gladly! I can see you using it to chase Heather with your paintball gun! *lach* Name of the motoercycle? Douchebag buster? :-P

hahaha far out!!>.. Douchebag buster..
whoo!! hehe
kuifje75 said:
Gladly! I can see you using it to chase Heather with your paintball gun! *lach* Name of the motoercycle? Douchebag buster? :-P

here I found.. a nice one.. hehe..


HAHAHAHAH MOMMA U SO funny! LMAOOOOOOOo :rofl: i would love to see u ride the pink hog! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
Whoooooooohooooooooo...! I can picture seeing MsGiglz roaring off on her pink 'Douchbag Buster' right on ONG's tail and shooting paintballs at ONG! :rofl: (Wear that black pudding bowl shaped helmet!) ;)
HHHHHAAAAAAHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA Oh that goddamn rotten qUack BBNT!! He a riot!!! I bet BBNT's dUck been writing this story for him eh!! HAHA!!!! :fu: heheh...hey BBNT..better crank out more funny stories or the folks gonna storm your hot desert home and skunkbomb ya out!!! HAHA!!!!!!
hurry, bbnt! giglz and i are going through as alldeaf turns play withdrawal, and we can't guarantee anyone else's safety at AD.
look at time and eager to turn in and watch tv soap opera as i just put popcorn in the mircowaves and it is all done .. and open the bag and ready to sit down and pick up the remotes and click to turn on tv soap opera and click change channel search oh ummm look like it hasnt come out oh dang what waste my times to be exticing to watch and look at hot popcorn goes raw ... lol
I hope I have a solution for BBNT....

FLASH my ass... get to writing it here, please. Thank you.

((pray for his latest scene to arrive here))) :fingersx:
:werd: i agree Oddball! been coming in here to check if theres a new scene bbnt posted but ahh not yet!!!!!!!!!!! :(

*waits patiently for bbnt's newest scene to be posted*
aww BBNT I uddy ur a busy man being MR mom to ur wonderful kids but HOPE u will make ur next secene SOON! ((((BBNT)))) u Still rock on ur stories! :D