Are you passing judgement on other people's definition of "cuddly wuddlies'?
Because if you are, you really shouldn't be preaching tolerance.
First, same sex marriage and incest are not in any way shape or form related or anywhere near the same topic. To introduce that into this thread or LGBT forum is completely ridiculous and now all you're doing is insulting your own intelligence and hurting everyone's brain who has to come in and view this thread trying to piece together what the hell you're attempting to grasp at because the only defense you have is *GASP* something you can't force on other people!!! So all you can do is sit here and grasp at straws.
Second, They're having a baby... Clearly that incest couple is straight... they're batting for your team ( they're not gay, clearly )... home skillet... so on that note, you can keep em'.
Lastly, I have no issues with anyone no matter what any of their personal life choices are regarding ANYTHING. I don't care what your religion is, if your straight, gay, white, black, Deaf, hearing, amputated or yes... I don't care if you like INCEST! You know what, have fun enjoying your incest! Because what you do behind closed doors is... you guessed it... NONE OF MY BUSINESS!!! Is it my personal liking? HELL NO! Do I condone it? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Does it gross me out? ABSOLUTELY! Do I think it is right? HELL NO! But you know what? If you're both over the consenting age of 18 years old and that's what floats your freaking boat... go for it... Chances are most strangers wouldn't even know in public if they didn't know you personally! Just because I would never do it in a MILLION years doesn't mean others can't... I really don't care what others do because it's THEIR LIFE NOT MINE! I'm a lesbo I wouldn't touch a man if I was PAID TO! Do I think every woman should be that way? NO! To each their own, whatever you like... sure, there's stuff out there that I may find gross, sick, disgusting and downright absolutely repulsive! However, that is not me, not my life and not my choice... that is theirs and I have no right to control anyone or anyone's choices... Just as much as you have no right to control me or my choice to marry who I love. BOOM... True acceptance... I may be an ass sometimes... but that's because I hate stupid people... and liars... and know it all's...

and when people are wrong and won't just admit it... but I am truly one of the most open and accepting people alive. I also hate whiners....

I hate a lot of things really... Okay, now I'm ruining it... Man I have A-D-D... I want cake...