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Well I'll damn sure tell you I didn't wake up one morning, smell the Folgers Coffee and decide to be a lesbian! You think I choose to be a lesbian?! I CHOOSE to be sexually active with women!? I would have given ANYTHING to have been straight in high school, and I mean ANYTHING! I was beaten up, kicked, spit on, my car keyed, tires slashed, ridiculed and even separated in gym class because people weren't "COMFORTABLE" with me being a lesbian and they were insecure with themselves! I would have given ANYTHING to have been straight! Guess what, I wasn't. As hard as I tried to go on dates with men my father set me up with, even going as far as trying to kiss a boy I almost PUKED! I couldn't do it! The thought of kissing a man made me want to hurl as much as kissing a man ( for you being a straight man or you being a straight woman kissing a woman ) would make you feel! The thought of a naked man is absolutely so revolting and repulsive to me that I would rather be asexual and chop off my vagina than to sleep with one! THANKFULLY I live in a country where religion does NOT define my sexuality and I can be with another woman! Something I feel is right and I am comfortable with! Kissing another woman feels right. It feels like everything is okay, I am happy, like I am complete. It DOESN'T make me want to puke, hurl or want to kill myself and blow out my brains like moving in for a kiss with a man wanted me to. Yes, that's what went through my mind when I moved in to kiss a dude... it was that disgusting. Go try to move in to kiss a dude Stein and tell me what you feel... that's what I feel when I would try to kiss one... Vomit... burning in my throat and chest... absolute disgust! It's for some people and not for others, it happens to not be for me. I'm not into men, so because I'm not into men, I am clearly a lesbian. I am going to be with a woman... and hopefully one day I will find a woman I end up happy with for the rest of my life... and that will lead to marrying her.
The final word on this.... YOUR PERSONAL BELIEFS DO NOT DICTATE OUR COUNTRY BECAUSE EVERYONE IN THIS COUNTRY HAS DIFFERENT BELIEFS THANK GOODNESS! That is why these bans are being overturned and they will CONTINUE to be overturned. 19 states and counting... Keep complaining, keep whining and crying because that's all you can do... that is my final word.
You see the arguments. Laptops and what not... that's all you can throw out... because there is no legitimate argument except your personal belief... and that's not good enough because that doesn't count, does it cupcakes... because we have that freedom in this country... I'll state, THANK GOODNESS AGAIN! We all don't adhere to your beliefs... you don't adhere to ours. The end all point here is separation of Church and State. Though it is not an "Official" amendment... it is still written inside The First Amendment states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. The Establishment clause is enough for me which is included in the first amendment stating it prohibits Congress from preferring one religion over another. Hmm... imagine that... So since it can't do that... it can't intervene in any sort of decision and since your reason for not wanting gay marriage is only based on... *gasp* PERSONAL *R word shall remain unsaid* CHOICES... You have no ground here! *gasp again* So, these 19 states and counting... will continue... to grow... as it has... Omgerd... over the past, like... year or so, it's been like 15 alone! AMAZING! Get mad, GET MAD! It's all you can do because there is a gay marriage challenge in just about every single state now... and those bans are just going to keep getting struck down... The ban is unconstitutional... and it's true, being I just stated the constitution supports our backing... all you can do is throw out some personal beliefs... we have law on our side.
Since we can't seem to break down the racial marriage thing enough for you, I'll do it again. We were saying, interracial marriage was illegal years back because it was against YOUR BELIEFS! That was the reason it was illegal. Oh lawdy no we can't have any of that, no no no! What happened? Education, happened. We learned blacks and whites were equal, as we have always been. We became more educated, adapted and soon learned it was ALSO unconstitutional to prevent interracial marriage. What happened? Now we don't even blink twice when we see a black and white couple together! Lets face it people, mixed babies are some of the most gorgeous kids we've ever seen... You know it's true... I'm so jealous of that complexion... I'm Romanian and I'm not that dark... BACK ON TOPIC! Anyway, that exact thing right there... that's gay marriage... Sorry to say, but that's... gay... marriage....
19 states, that's almost half of America that allows my lesbian butt to go and get married... Thrilling considering not too long ago, it was only California. By the way, go California... you liberal road makers you! 
I accept everyone no matter what race, age, color, religion or anything they choose so long as they are not harming anyone... I accept them and their choices. You know for you guys out there who are throwing out these piss poor excuses against gay marriage... it must suck to be so close minded and un-accepting of others based on something they can not help or control. We can not help being gay just as much as I can not help being female, Romanian, or my coworker can not help being black. It must really suck to be so close minded that you must push your beliefs off onto others and try and force your opinions down other peoples throats to try and kill someone else's desire and attempt at happiness... Is your life really that miserable that you must attempt to kill someone else's happiness with your own beliefs? That is sad, and I feel sorry for you. If I feel I love another woman that is my feeling not your own... I am my own individual and you DO NOT govern me or my decisions... keep your beliefs and opinions to yourself where they belong. I don't go forcing you to stop eating bananas because I find them revolting. If you believe I am going to some imaginary place of fire and doom for my "choice" ( which I didn't choose just like you didn't choose to be straight and if you DID choose to be straight that means you had to think about being gay?
) then that is MY choice! You really think YOUR ultimate decider is going to judge me for acting on something I can't help, but not going to judge you for trying to stomp on my happiness and judging me for something I couldn't control. Why don't you check yourself and your beliefs at the door and think twice before throwing your laptop comparisons and other absolutely irrelevant comparisons out there. That's all I have for you.
I said good day.
I now expect a
any time now... But that's okay... I expect it... because someone always has to be peeing all over the homo threads!
At least I got my piece in!
The final word on this.... YOUR PERSONAL BELIEFS DO NOT DICTATE OUR COUNTRY BECAUSE EVERYONE IN THIS COUNTRY HAS DIFFERENT BELIEFS THANK GOODNESS! That is why these bans are being overturned and they will CONTINUE to be overturned. 19 states and counting... Keep complaining, keep whining and crying because that's all you can do... that is my final word.
You see the arguments. Laptops and what not... that's all you can throw out... because there is no legitimate argument except your personal belief... and that's not good enough because that doesn't count, does it cupcakes... because we have that freedom in this country... I'll state, THANK GOODNESS AGAIN! We all don't adhere to your beliefs... you don't adhere to ours. The end all point here is separation of Church and State. Though it is not an "Official" amendment... it is still written inside The First Amendment states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. The Establishment clause is enough for me which is included in the first amendment stating it prohibits Congress from preferring one religion over another. Hmm... imagine that... So since it can't do that... it can't intervene in any sort of decision and since your reason for not wanting gay marriage is only based on... *gasp* PERSONAL *R word shall remain unsaid* CHOICES... You have no ground here! *gasp again* So, these 19 states and counting... will continue... to grow... as it has... Omgerd... over the past, like... year or so, it's been like 15 alone! AMAZING! Get mad, GET MAD! It's all you can do because there is a gay marriage challenge in just about every single state now... and those bans are just going to keep getting struck down... The ban is unconstitutional... and it's true, being I just stated the constitution supports our backing... all you can do is throw out some personal beliefs... we have law on our side.

Since we can't seem to break down the racial marriage thing enough for you, I'll do it again. We were saying, interracial marriage was illegal years back because it was against YOUR BELIEFS! That was the reason it was illegal. Oh lawdy no we can't have any of that, no no no! What happened? Education, happened. We learned blacks and whites were equal, as we have always been. We became more educated, adapted and soon learned it was ALSO unconstitutional to prevent interracial marriage. What happened? Now we don't even blink twice when we see a black and white couple together! Lets face it people, mixed babies are some of the most gorgeous kids we've ever seen... You know it's true... I'm so jealous of that complexion... I'm Romanian and I'm not that dark... BACK ON TOPIC! Anyway, that exact thing right there... that's gay marriage... Sorry to say, but that's... gay... marriage....

I accept everyone no matter what race, age, color, religion or anything they choose so long as they are not harming anyone... I accept them and their choices. You know for you guys out there who are throwing out these piss poor excuses against gay marriage... it must suck to be so close minded and un-accepting of others based on something they can not help or control. We can not help being gay just as much as I can not help being female, Romanian, or my coworker can not help being black. It must really suck to be so close minded that you must push your beliefs off onto others and try and force your opinions down other peoples throats to try and kill someone else's desire and attempt at happiness... Is your life really that miserable that you must attempt to kill someone else's happiness with your own beliefs? That is sad, and I feel sorry for you. If I feel I love another woman that is my feeling not your own... I am my own individual and you DO NOT govern me or my decisions... keep your beliefs and opinions to yourself where they belong. I don't go forcing you to stop eating bananas because I find them revolting. If you believe I am going to some imaginary place of fire and doom for my "choice" ( which I didn't choose just like you didn't choose to be straight and if you DID choose to be straight that means you had to think about being gay?

I said good day.
I now expect a

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