Arizona or Florida...Which?

Soon I will Either Move to AZ or Stay in FL. Do I stay (FL) or move (AZ)?

  • Stay

    Votes: 10 43.5%
  • Move

    Votes: 13 56.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I vote Arizona
Northern arizona near Prescott or Sendona is cooler and dry weather than Phoenix. I loved to see mountains. I dislike very high humid weather in Florida.
I cannot vote because I can´t see in your heart which you really want to... All what I want to say is follow your own heart which best place, you really like to live...
I voted AZ because I liked everything there, especially Mexican foods and modern Art and the weather was great for me... (I went there twice in the past as my vacation but I went to FL many times since 1981. It was OK. I will fly down there to spend with my parents for a week this spring... )
Enjoy your journey! :)
If you're bored and want a change of scenery and unpredictability, move. If you want to stay within your comfort zone and need job security (assuming you may have one), then stay. Either way, you still need to adapt to changing conditions, whether it be life or environmental. Both states have their pros and cons.
No no, I'm the blame for that. I should have pm'd you.

Back to the topic at hand: AZ rules, FL drools. :giggle:

But, but, :tears: I live in Florida! I love it!

We do not drool. We just sweat! :giggle:

I would stay in Florida. Especially if you love the Ocean.
Oops! No offense. :Oops:

:lol: None taken. Just pulling your leg!

The summer time is sometimes unbearable if you do not have A/C. And it does feel like hitting a brick wall of instant moister when you step out at times. I grew up in it. So I am used to it.. Especially in July and August.
I bet you sweat a lot too!

That is why we have a swimming pool! And take the boat out to find a good swimming spot! :D

If I am not doing that I usually go straight to the shower after being outside for a period of time sweating.

I do not wear my hearing aids outside when it gets really humid, I ruined a couple of them doing that, Opened the battery compartment once and it was all moisten and rusty, :eek: Had to send it off to get fixed and re cased.
I can think of a 10 letter word associated with Florida: H U R R I C A N E S. :ohno:

:Ohno: :run: To the hills we go!!!

:lol: I have been through several of those. I guess one has to adapt to the way of life here. No different that other natural disasters that other places have.

:hmm: What kind of Natural disasters do AZ have??
:Ohno: :run: To the hills we go!!!

:lol: I have been through several of those. I guess one has to adapt to the way of life here. No different that other natural disasters that other places have.

:hmm: What kind of Natural disasters do AZ have??

Heat--desert storms--:hmm: don't know what else......
I know what else, Byrdie! I know, I know! Its fun to watch the trees chasing the dogs in AZ! Really an enthralling experience! :lol:


:shock: They actually have trees there?? I thought they only had Cactuses!!

I would go there just to watch that!!! :laugh2:
As someone who was born and raised in Phx, AZ, but never been to Florida, I cant give u any advice since I dont know what it is like in Florida.

Pros and Cons of AZ..

beautiful mountains with snow during the winter

beautiful forests (if not under a drought)

several lakes in the desert (very popular to go during the summer if u have a boat or jet ski)

Phx is a big city

wether is nice during the winter

dry heat during the summer but little or no rain

Sedona is only 2 hours from Phx

I dont know about job opportunities since it has been 10 years since I moved away.

Large Deaf community in Phx

Authentic Mexican foods

The culture is all about health and fitness


Too hot during the summer...cant do much outdoors-would have to drive two hours up north just to do any outdoor physical activities

gangs are a problem in the city

desert sprawl



Possible water problems due to a large population

high electric costs during the summer due to running AC on high

:shock: They actually have trees there?? I thought they only had Cactuses!!

I would go there just to watch that!!! :laugh2:

Yep, have trees that are not native to the desert in Phx causing problems with keeping them hydrated so many died out. My mom had to chop 3 of them from her front and backyards cuz they just couldnt survive the lack of rain during the summers. Have to water them like twice a day to keep them alive...tooo much work.