Argument/Insult Thread

'Yo momma so huge she had to iron her pants in her driveway
yo mama why did you put me in diapers when we can just pee in the fat mama's home into a rotten one!
Yo momma’s just like a police station—dicks going in and out all night.
Yo momma, why women are better than men?

I am not sure that I am misunderstand. I thought Drew's dad was upset but I think everything were just joking. :dunno:
you are a waste of human flesh so stop breathing my oxyigen. :giggle:
you mama so fat if you get on an elevator with her you better be going down.
you mama so fat if she rolled over twice she would be in Ohio.
you mama so fat when she stands on the street corner the cops pull up and say "Hey... break it up"
you mama so fat when she wears high heels she strikes oil
If Isaiah Washington is Hired for Bionic Woman, then Yo Mama is Hired for Bionic Man!
I don't wanna talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
I don't want to share my oxygen with any of you inbred worms and your family didn't fork in 10 generations. I bet you're all inbred mutants with one eyes and alien faces and lobster fingers.
Yo mamma so ugly, when she entered an ugly contest, they said "Sorry, no professionals."

Yo mamma so stupid she got shot running the border after she saw an ad for Taco Bell

Yo mamma so fat, she jumped the rainbow and skittles came out.

Yo mamma so stupid she told everyone she was "illegitemite" because she couldnt read.

Yo mamma so fat, she couldnt fit in a satellite photo.

Yo mamma so fat, she had to go to SeaWorld to get baptized.
Lighten up LePew... its suppose to be a funny thread. You gotta have a sense of humor to enjoy this. If these comments offend you then don't visit the thread. I would not want it to be locked up... it's funny stuff.
i think some people take this game too seriously. relax, people. all is well.

revving to this topic -- you are a frightfully inept scoundrel and a maladjusted, orgasm faking invidious invective from an impudent ignoramus!

jillio anytime. :)
Some posts were remove. Don't ask.

Let's stay on topic and lighten up, people.
How can you be a postwhore when you are doing it for free?
You should be called postslut!

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