Argue--funny stuff (jokin' around), cuz I enjoy getting 'whipped'

Damn I'm getting closer to my postwhore celebration...will it be tonight? Probably not....why you may ask? Becuase everyone has left this damn thread and I have no one to insult. :fu2: to all of you. I'll just sit here and ramble incoherantly and throw darts at the wall.
mlkshkgrl said:
Damn I'm getting closer to my postwhore celebration...will it be tonight? Probably not....why you may ask? Becuase everyone has left this damn thread and I have no one to insult. :fu2: to all of you. I'll just sit here and ramble incoherantly and throw darts at the wall.
Poor Baby
Go straight to hell old not pass not collect a glass full of ice water...just go straight to hell...I swear you men are a pain in the ass sometimes
mlkshkgrl said:
Go straight to hell old not pass not collect a glass full of ice water...just go straight to hell...I swear you men are a pain in the ass sometimes
If we are such pains in the ass, just roll over!
I aint a free bitch show like Jerry...leave your $10 on the table....and old guy I'll break your fingers if you touch it. :nono:
mlkshkgrl said:
I aint a free bitch show like Jerry...leave your $10 on the table....and old guy I'll break your fingers if you touch it. :nono:
I would never touch your money! I ain't stupid. :Ohno:
Cheri it is about time you got your blond ass back in here where in the hell have you been. I punished you earlier for barney abuse and you weren't even here to receive it :squint:
:lol: i m not good to post something related to arguement but laughing ;)

cheri, dance by or with(correct me :D) pole
:pissed: old guy knowing the word stupid requires a brain. That in which you do not have. So tell your friend to quit posting for you
Hell hath no fury like milkshake jugs pissed off :laugh2:

There tousi I used ur new nickname for me
Wonderful everyone friggin left again...I'm just gonna steal Levonian's banana's cause I'm bored and I haven't picked on him yet
im in the mood to Agure with JavaPride about starbucks.... Vanilla Beans YUmmy than Mocha coffee

Milksgirl... u can agure with me heh
Hell yea thats good stuff...I luvs it but I have to travel to far to get it so I misses it a lot