Cheri said:Where is your Elmo? I know you have one, cuz I saw it!
Elmo? ...How many beer did you drink tonight sis?...
Cheri said:Where is your Elmo? I know you have one, cuz I saw it!
^Angel^ said:That's because it's invisible, now give me back my halo please....
^Angel^ said:Elmo? ...How many beer did you drink tonight sis?...
RebelGirl said:You should be banned from this, you little thief! Now.. *grabbing my halo* *shrugs* and *walks away*
^Angel^ said:Elmo? ...How many beer did you drink tonight sis?...
*Gves ^Angel^ a new halo*^Angel^ said:I'm no Angel without my halo
^Angel^ said:I'm no Angel without my halo
RebelGirl said:Oh, wha... now.. ^Angel^, that was really pitiful, that "smiley" you got there.. makes me sad to see you lose your wings.. come and get your wings and I'll give back your halo.. *walking away*
DreamDeaf said:Humm...did anyone notice that the halo Blue Butterfly gave Angel is made of wax? *holding lighter to halo, watching it melt and drip wax into Angel's hair*
Cheri said:Ding Dong, That's your toy's name "Elmo" Don't deny it now.
Shhhhhhhhhhh DreamDeaf! Don't be such a tattle taleDreamDeaf said:Humm...did anyone notice that the halo Blue Butterfly gahve Angel is made of wax? *holding lighter to halo, watching it melt and drip wax into Angel's hair*
^Angel^ said:<--- Cheri...
DreamDeaf said:Humm...did anyone notice that the halo Blue Butterfly gave Angel is made of wax? *holding lighter to halo, watching it melt and drip wax into Angel's hair*
DreamDeaf said:Ok, RebelGirl, how did u find my secret stash of spanish fly???