are you transgender?

Who knows but I have heard of stories where store clerks insist on ID to prove that they are indeed women or men for that matter- People don't always believe what they hear and/or see. Some women may look more masculine (I have a female friend who is hetero and bio who does look masculine) than feminine and some men may look more well... feminine (or even sound feminine with higher voices). So it would not surprise me.

As for Saavik and her post about the ID change and women's dressing room.... maybe they were two different things but I have a feeling not.. if a trans person is pre operative and 'caught' in undress, they have no way of proving they are the gender they are until the ID says so. Plus it's peace of mind once the ID says the correct gender then it feels safer for them to go to the proper 'gender space'.

Just my take on it :)
Agreed. I have a rather androgynous face and also identify as an androgynous personality. I often wear men's shirts, basketball shorts, and sweatpants (I was a tomboy growing up, and still am pretty much a tomboy). I do wear female clothing of course, just not as much. When I had my hair cut very close to the scalp four years ago, others literally thought I was a guy at first glimpse. I'd get confused/WTF looks from other women when I was in the women's bathroom washing my hands, et cetera. My best friend at the time thought it was hilarious.
I, too, have a question.

I've never had to show an ID to use any restroom or dressing room, so I don't see how that even comes up. If you look like the sex that you identify with, why would anyone stop you from using those facilities? Why would they even question you?

That is, if you look like a woman and you want to use the women's restroom or dressing room, why would anyone ask you for identification?

People don't identify as a sex, they identify as a gender. I'm genderqueer and soon to be going through the legal trouble of changing my sex from male to female, which can be done in Maryland without sex reassignment surgery. Having gendered facilities is heteronormative cissexism.
I am trans and hard of hearing

I'm trans and hard of hearing. I eventually will go completely deaf and I seriously cannot find any community so maybe we could be friends? I'm seriously lacking community and friends who get what its like to be both hard of hearing and Trans.