sure, no problem, amy!
I enjoy memoirs by unique people too. I was taught early as a child to look for things that struck me as -not-being mom was on a PTA textbook committee - one of many related activities she pursued when I was pre-high-school age and in the Special Ed. system in a public school. On this textbook committee she was supposed to go through new classroom texts and look for illustrations/pictures/charts that contributed to or portrayed stereotypes, and also look for the same things that showed people not stuck in "typical" roles -e.g.: only females with babies, athletes who used wheelchairs and so on. I always loved looking through books and loved being read to so she thought I might like to help and she told me to look for the same. So I did, starting probably in elementary school, as she was on this committee for some years.
Saavik, oh, I see. I understand your dilemma. maybe your college will surprise you
I enjoy memoirs by unique people too. I was taught early as a child to look for things that struck me as -not-being mom was on a PTA textbook committee - one of many related activities she pursued when I was pre-high-school age and in the Special Ed. system in a public school. On this textbook committee she was supposed to go through new classroom texts and look for illustrations/pictures/charts that contributed to or portrayed stereotypes, and also look for the same things that showed people not stuck in "typical" roles -e.g.: only females with babies, athletes who used wheelchairs and so on. I always loved looking through books and loved being read to so she thought I might like to help and she told me to look for the same. So I did, starting probably in elementary school, as she was on this committee for some years.
Saavik, oh, I see. I understand your dilemma. maybe your college will surprise you