I used to be the only one in the ENTIRE family that wore hearing aids for a long time (I did have a great-great-great-great aunt that was a deaf-mute [hey this was the 1800's!]). Then I had a young cousin that went HOH and she started wearing hearing aids (but we don't speak/write/email or anything like that.... relations to that particular side of the family is not that great, mom and her sister don't get along at all). And now, just last week, my grandfather got hearing aids (ReSounds). He's had a high frequency loss for a few years now, but I guess his hearing just got bad enough that he needed hearing aids. And now, if only my father would get his hearing checked (he likes everything LOUD, music, TV, movies... and he's had the volume on pretty high for a really long time now so of course his hearing is slowly getting worse, that silly foolish man).