Are you the only...


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Sep 3, 2005
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member of your family who wears hearing aids or cochlear implant(s)? If not, who else does, and is their equipement made by the same company as yours? Do you know why yours is different to theirs, if applicable - and have you ever tried equipment made by this company and have their tried any made by the company that makes yours?
Yes, I'm the only member of my family who has CIs. I'm also the only person who has worn hearing aids. Everyone else in my family is hearing.
i am the only one that wears hearing aids as well:) although my nonno (grandfather) could sure use some too
I'm the only one with CIs, my half brother is deaf as well, he doesn't wear hearing aids because he's more deaf than I am.
My husband and I both wear hearing aids. Made by the same company. His are different because he has a moderate loss and I have a severe/profound loss.Which means mine are bigger and clunkier.

I had deaf grandparents too, but I don't know about hearing aid brands.
I used to be the only one in the ENTIRE family that wore hearing aids for a long time (I did have a great-great-great-great aunt that was a deaf-mute [hey this was the 1800's!]). Then I had a young cousin that went HOH and she started wearing hearing aids (but we don't speak/write/email or anything like that.... relations to that particular side of the family is not that great, mom and her sister don't get along at all). And now, just last week, my grandfather got hearing aids (ReSounds). He's had a high frequency loss for a few years now, but I guess his hearing just got bad enough that he needed hearing aids. And now, if only my father would get his hearing checked (he likes everything LOUD, music, TV, movies... and he's had the volume on pretty high for a really long time now so of course his hearing is slowly getting worse, that silly foolish man).
member of your family who wears hearing aids or cochlear implant(s)? If not, who else does, and is their equipement made by the same company as yours? Do you know why yours is different to theirs, if applicable - and have you ever tried equipment made by this company and have their tried any made by the company that makes yours?

I had been the only one for years that wore hearing aids. My oldest brother (I'm the youngest) got them about 1 1/2 decades ago and our dad got them in the mid '90s. Our mother swears she doesn't need them, but I lose my voice when talking to her in person.

Incidentally, I was also the only one in the entire relation that wore hearing aids for years. I have no idea how they feel about me wearing them or that I have a hearing dog, but, then again, ask me if I actually care what any of them think. :roll:
I am the only one with CI( previously HA , but implanted my good ear ) in my family..all my family and relatives are hearing..
Only HOH with HA and CI in family. Yes my granparents also had mild hearing loss due to old age, but other than that its only me since age 5.
It's just me. No one on my side or hubby's side of the family wear hearing aids. I only wear one as it's pointless to wear one in the other ear, but I am getting a CI in the bad ear next month.
Both my parents should wear them, as my dad has mild hearing loss and my mother's is severe. But, being old fashioned, they won't "hear" of it. :giggle: I tried..even sent my old ha to them but they refused to even try it.
I am only who wores the hearing aids and cochlear implant in the entire family. But just found out that my grandfather is possibly able to be deaf so he is also wearing hearing aids too. I am happy not to be alone in the family. My grandfather can speak and hear with hearing aids but not knowing sign language. He use home sign language with me whenever I see him again. We are very closer and have a strong bond granddaughter/grandfather relationship than anybody in the family. So lucky to have him as my grandfather :)
I'm only one that's deaf in my dad entire family history (my dad's mother have thick genealogy book or "family tree" book dated back to 1600's and only ONE is deaf and it was from high fever at age 18 in 1800's that's it. BUT I have absolutely no record on my mom's family history except her grandparents that's it. And from that little group she know none of them are deaf so I have no clue if it was sleeping genes that was carried for last 400 years? Who know I'd like to have genetic test but I don't know where to get it and if my insurance will cover though.
I was just going over your threads and posts and I have noticed that you once said in a thread that you are NOT a market researcher and that you work for a pager company. Some of your questions are relevant but most are not relevant at all. You ONLY post in the hearing aids and cochlear inplants section of the forum and no where else. What about our world our culture or the terps section or general chat. I just don't get why you ask some of these questions when you are's like you are obcessed with Ddeaf/hoh people. I mean it's healthy to be enquisitive, but you have 49 posts all asking questions and such in regards to HA's and CI's which in my opinion is a bit much...
I was just going over your threads and posts and I have noticed that you once said in a thread that you are NOT a market researcher and that you work for a pager company. Some of your questions are relevant but most are not relevant at all. You ONLY post in the hearing aids and cochlear inplants section of the forum and no where else. What about our world our culture or the terps section or general chat. I just don't get why you ask some of these questions when you are's like you are obcessed with Ddeaf/hoh people. I mean it's healthy to be enquisitive, but you have 49 posts all asking questions and such in regards to HA's and CI's which in my opinion is a bit much...

Thanks Alicia... it's also concern of mine...I thought it was really strange that the person were only questioning us in this section. I have just realised that now.
I was the only one who wore hearing aides even though my brother is deaf also. He just started wearing HAs. We have the same kind..Oticon.
In reply to Alicia and "overthepond", I think that I have mentioned in at least one post that while my work does involve a paging company, that we do come into contact with people who are using Britain's national relay service for deaf people, which is called Typetalk. Therefore, I do not see it as a problem that I ask you questions about your hearing aids etc. The people who use Typetalk use sign language, and because all of the work is over the phone, the deaf calers will ring up Typetalk with the pager number, Typetalk will contact the company I work for and then ask the deaf / hard of hearing caller for their message which I then type on a keyboard then it goes to somebody's (either deaf or hearing, we don't know which) pager. I really don't see a problem about me asking you some questions that in a roundabout way have connections with the job I have. If you think I am asking the wrong questions, you don't have to answer them!
I have CIC, Starkey. My brother has one CIC but should wear 2. Don't know what brand. My sister has 2 BTE's. I don't know brand but her's are cheaper. We are the only ones - - mom and dad are hearies.