Originally posted by MsGiglz
Aww.. its serious.. cant make fun or tease someone who have phobia like that.. like me.. i have phobia with bugs.. BIG TIME.. i tried to get some help but.... nothing works.. whatever i see bugs.. i freaked out real big time... muthfka... even i get rashes on my arms.. :-/
i remmy THAT Annie -- u sure FREAKED OUT when i was up visiting u in MN and u see a bug on ur computer monitor and u practically SCREAMED abt it -- i was laffing but got that for u and afterwards YOU were laffing abt that too
but yea i agree with u its a serious thing and everybody has their own phobias -- mine is the stupid glaucoma pressure test :roll: my hands gets all clammy and sweaty when i gotta take those stupid tests -- i HATE the thought of anything coming TOO close to my eyeballs *shivers* -- my eye doc has TRIED various methods to get me to at least get thru them but NO success so far -- mom suggested why not i be given valium qq i