You are right..there are many people out there who wear the " I'm saved, pentecostal" label and act wordly, lies, steal, hypocrites....True pentecostal people does not look down other religions...I have nothing but respect for others..when I see other people who act in that way disgust me too...we are suppose to love all, and just teach...not condemn is not my job or anybody job to look at someone and say, " you r going to hell". My job is just to witness, teach what is in the bible.. ( King james) not twist anybody arm...If you r a true saved person, then when you teach..the truth should reveal itself.......if when a person teach, and the truth isn't reveal, or the person contradict what they r teaching..then they really need to look at themself. ( smile)
just so y'all know.....I am Deaf, and teach Sunday School. I'm not a jehova witness, not that there anything wrong with that. I do not think, if you r catholic,or whatever then u r going to hell..(lol) But there is more to just living right, being kind to others. God has a purpose for all people. it is to worship him. I know it sound " selfish" of God..but...he did created us...when I say, to worship him..I don't mean to drop everything and forget everyone else. I just mean, to live for him, try to be his words,love ur doing all those things and more, it is a form of worship.
For those who had bad experience with Pentecostal people...I'm sorry that happened, and I'm sure those people meant well...sometime they lose their focus, and get off happens