Are you ready for it to get cold?

For those living on the other side of the equator..are u ready for summer?

It feels like summer is here already even though it's still only Spring. I'm glad to see the end of winter but I'm hoping that we'll get plenty of rain this summer so we don't have to worry about bush fires.

I'm really looking forward to summer hols over Xmas though - I love it!
Well............when I was still living up in Chicago I hated winter. I hate cold and snow. Now I"m in Florida and I don't mind winter at all. :giggle:
Kind of, but the real cold weather won't be coming for another month or two... Maybe three.


Aw, crap. I spoke too soon. The next day, the cold front (a big one) stopped by for a visit unexpectedly with 20 something MPH wind. The temperature dropped from 85 degrees from Sunday to 50 degrees on Monday