Are you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

Birth control is 99.3% effective. So, it is safe.

I got pregnant with my daughter cuz the BC didnt work. :dunno:
Can you please give a source that documents the percentage of adopted children who commit suicide because they can't find their birth parents?

I am disappointed that I cannot find the source on the internet. I think that it does not allowed to be printed in the situation of a child's lost parents that could lead a commit suicide. I really don't know. I read it two years ago because of my neighbor's situation.

I know a student at a private school, and he was my classmate. An army adopted him in Korea. His real parents banned him in the woods when he was six years old. I think he was brought to a church. He was deaf and healthy person. The solider took him to the US, and he became a citizen. He was not happy person for years. He told me that he wanted to go back to Korea and find his parents. He was expelled at a college, and back home in NJ. Later, he commited suicide. He was about 23 years old.

Two years ago, a hearing teenager, in my neighbor, commited suicide. Somehow, he found out that his parents were not his son. He gave up to find his parents according his note on a town newspaper. He was 18 years old. His foster parents dumped all of his clothes and personal things outside in two days later on a garbage day. Very odd parents. I think that the parents are not willing to tell him who are his parents because the parents had big arguments at some nights. I didn't see a police car showing up there. My father told me about the noises.

There is a website, and it is not related this issue. I assume that some children brought to a foster group at a church. I could be wrong. Here's the link: Abuse Tracker: March 2007 Archives I didn't like this story at all.
I got pregnant with my daughter cuz the BC didnt work. :dunno:

It works for me before I decided not to have anymore babies. I guess, BC works on some women. There's always other way to prevent pregnancy...meanin' NO sex, if any one keep sayin' that all methods don't work for them and still get pregnant...then, no sex. Use fingers, or oral or sex toys instead of penis goin' in vagina.
It works for me before I decided not to have anymore babies. I guess, BC works on some women. There's always other way to prevent pregnancy...meanin' NO sex, if any one keep sayin' that all methods don't work for them and still get pregnant...then, no sex. Use fingers, or oral or sex toys instead of penis goin' in vagina.

It's illegal to sell sex toys in some states.
I am disappointed that I cannot find the source on the internet. I think that it does not allowed to be printed in the situation of a child's lost parents that could lead a commit suicide. I really don't know. I read it two years ago because of my neighbor's situation.

I know a student at a private school, and he was my classmate. An army adopted him in Korea. His real parents banned him in the woods when he was six years old. I think he was brought to a church. He was deaf and healthy person. The solider took him to the US, and he became a citizen. He was not happy person for years. He told me that he wanted to go back to Korea and find his parents. He was expelled at a college, and back home in NJ. Later, he commited suicide. He was about 23 years old.

Two years ago, a hearing teenager, in my neighbor, commited suicide. Somehow, he found out that his parents were not his son. He gave up to find his parents according his note on a town newspaper. He was 18 years old. His foster parents dumped all of his clothes and personal things outside in two days later on a garbage day. Very odd parents. I think that the parents are not willing to tell him who are his parents because the parents had big arguments at some nights. I didn't see a police car showing up there. My father told me about the noises.

There is a website, and it is not related this issue. I assume that some children brought to a foster group at a church. I could be wrong. Here's the link: Abuse Tracker: March 2007 Archives I didn't like this story at all.

What about that ?
SOME don't and some men support them, SOME women don't

See? That's exactly what I am trying to explain that some women cannot afford to keep baby... :) Why should they continue to keep the baby when they can't afford to support their baby? I would consider women as selfish for not think their baby's future when they KNEW they struggle with money issues.

if hubby work, when comes home, he will do some also. There are some like that.

That's not what I am talking about. I mean is a single mother, not married couple. Some single mothers are the one who stay in home with their baby to ruin their dream future... It's great for the fathers who dump mothers with baby to have fun around and continue their school to get degree to go way to their brilliant future... Where about single mothers then? It's unfair... That's why I support women's right.

I do, but that is not meant to get rid of the baby if can't afford, and I have seen sooo many who try everyway to have baby to live and enjoying life instead of killing it

sooo many? It's hard to beleive that "sooo many" find their way to support their babies with money issues. I would say SOME, not soooo many.... :)
Remember, a baby is not a toy but need a great love, attention, time and money. It’s important if you want to have a baby when you are old enough to support a child with good and loving relationship and also support yourself with money. It's unfair to bring a child up into that environment. If you want to keep a baby then who pay for it? Also make sure that you have some family support.. You need to learn to be responsible yourself first before you are able to take your responsible to take care of a child.

Your post sounds that you have no idea what it cost to have a baby? It is not just diapers, milk, bottles but insurances, utilities bills, rent, and go on…, plus daycare, groceries, clothing, etc, etc ,etc. Those expenses NEVER stop! Are you ready to give up all of your freedom to look at everything that comes with having a baby?

There are variety of circumstantial, the wisest women and men, let me put it this way and it is a true story, teenagers, a girl got preg, and boy will do everyway to help her, but the girl's parent does not want him do anything with her and a child and giving it for adoption. The boy fight in court bec he has a heart for the child, but girl is fear by her parents. and it was a messed. He won the court, bec it is his responsiblity and bec it is his child also. I agree with that.

Sad story but it's great to know that boy accept his knowledge as responsible for baby, he with his girlfriend. All what I want is wish them best of good luck.

Some parents want baby to be aborted or also call murder, child is fighting. Doesn't matter if men in full term, as long men help women whomever both are responsible and accept the accountability

It's abuse what the parents did to their daughters is force/threaten them to abort their babies when their daughters don't want.

You worry about women, baby in her womb, is more like, women is concern, not baby in her womb. This is where does not make any sense at all. If a preg woman was abused by her man and killed the baby in her womb will be charged as a murder, mmm, abortion means different. To me, it sure doesn't.

Ohhh it's a fetus, you referred to.
Remember, a baby, infant, or child is not a fetus.

A fetus does not have a right to decide to stay in the womb but woman's decision because her womb is part of her body.

Accord Webexplorer's post about egg... Would you consider it as murder when you eat chicken's eggs that's because the farmer took eggs away from chicken to sell eggs to us? The eggs are the same thing as fetus. A fetus is life, like you seed the plants, trees, vegetables, etc.

It doesn't mean that she has to force to carry the fetus and spent rest of their lives with that's because she choose to have sex.

To me, if you face with unplanned pregnancy then you need to make a decision either you want abortion, adoption or parenting? It's a decision is YOUR, not everyone because you are the one who live with the rest of your life.

The mothers or parents are the guardians of their children, not own their children. If a mother decide to keep a child which mean is she accept her responsibly as parent (guardian) for take care of her child.

I have seen and read both side arguments, and still go for pro life side. Bec by saying, seeing some commit suicide, most commit suicide is after a women aborted the baby. Bec bring them heartaches.

Accord your description could match that they suffer because they are being force by their parents to abort their babies. Right? It's how to end to drive them depression etc.

If the women themselves make decision without get influence from anyone then is okay. That's why I advise them to make their OWN choice either they are able to accept the responsible as the parents, abortion or adoption because the decision belongs to them, not us. Important for them to follow their heart what they really want or not or go to family counsellor for their advice.

That's where I have a problem with, if a woman want it or not, that is want baby to live or to die.

It's women's decision because they are the one who spent rest of their life with.

I have seen many deformed child and people, and parents has a lot of love.

Do you mean

deformed babies - Google Bilder ?

To me, by aborting it, that is NO love, bec looking for "perfect" child

To me, I consider the parents as very selfish for allow deformed child to live and suffer until die within several years or more years like this. They have no real life but a LOT of pain.

No, it has nothing do with prefect child but responsiblity. See the example...
ABC News: Gaunt Baby Found Dead; Parents Arrested Why? because they can't handle their responsiblity to bring their child up.

and life threatening is very low. billion of billions of babies were murdered/aborted, and don't tell me that billions of billions of women are in life threatening.

No matter either how high or low life threatening but I am for a pro-choice to support mother's and baby's risk life and also health reasons.

I wish to pick "pro-logic" or "pro-emergency" instead of pro-choice because I am against anyone who consider abortion as a birth control. At first I thought I am for a pro-life until I learn more and realize it's not pro-life because I support mother's and baby's for health reasons. I am also against parti-birth abortion as well.
It could be less than 12 weeks if they decide to abort the fetus for some health reasons.

haha, I know. Only thing it have it tied or want to end of preg either for men and/or women. That's all to it. They will still argue, it cost money, so cheaper to kill babies.

this link explains better.
Argument responses

It's not because of cheaper but save child suffer.

In the 1960s, we were told that there were too many people, not enough resources, unwanted and abused children, abused women, poverty, and a host of other social ills. When taken separately, these issues all appear to be independent problems, but we were told that they all had a common remedy.

Abortion was touted as the solution to all our social ills. In other words, we were told then that these social problems were best resolved by ending someone's life. Twenty-five years after the legalization of abortion on demand - - and the deaths of over 36 million babies - - our opponents still continue to argue that abortion is the solution.

Take the issue of poverty, for example. Our opponents argue that there are so many poor people. How can we force a poor woman to carry her baby to term? It is implied that encouraging poor women to abort their children will somehow end poverty. Yet, the same woman who struggles with poverty today is just as poor the day after her child's life is ended.

Another example is the case of spousal or family abuse where some would believe abortion to be the only option to this horrible situation. What about the woman who is being beaten by her husband?

When such a question is posed, it is vital to remind the questioner that the same woman threatened with abuse the day before the abortion goes home to the same abuse the day after it. Nothing has been done by the abortionist or the abortion itself to help her establish a situation of greater safety.

Running through questions like these is a common thread: the misguided idea that the baby the mother is carrying is the source of her problem. In reality, for most women the presence of this new child has only brought into sharp relief the issues and complexities of their lives which make being pregnant seem difficult. When questions are put forward that focus on the baby as the problem, the responses have to point out the larger picture. For instance, we won't end poverty by killing poor children.

and further read in those link

And other link
Yahoo! Answers - Views on abortion?
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If abortion isn't legal in USA then population will hit more than 300 million in around 1990's.

Now, after abortion is legal then hit 300 million isn't until late 2006 or 2007.
No, that is not what I meant, I meant like bc or condom is better than killing the babies. Not anything do with spayed. Abortion and spayed are different and spayed normally for animals, not humans.

Yeah, BC and condom is always always always better than abortion!
Yeah, BC and condom is always always always better than abortion!

Remember about Reba and Shel, they got preggy from BC then BC isn't for everyone.

Condom can be ok for men to sex with other women, if not properly then women can get preggy or even accident, or messed up.

My mother got preggy in 1991 for her daughter after took new BC but she cannot abort it because she don't realize until after 3 month or thought that weight is gain. I'm supposed to be one child in family but won't happen then she got hysterectomy in 2004 due period issue and mood issue from different BC.
Remember about Reba and Shel, they got preggy from BC then BC isn't for everyone.

Condom can be ok for men to sex with other women, if not properly then women can get preggy or even accident, or messed up.

My mother got preggy in 1991 for her daughter after took new BC but she cannot abort it because she don't realize until after 3 month or thought that weight is gain. I'm supposed to be one child in family but won't happen then she got hysterectomy in 2004 due period issue and mood issue from different BC.

Yeah, the fact, BC and condom are not 100 percent effect. But still it would be better than abortion if it worked, you know what I mean?
Yeah, the fact, BC and condom are not 100 percent effect. But still it would be better than abortion if it worked, you know what I mean?

Yup, if it does worked for some people.
Yeah, the fact, BC and condom are not 100 percent effect. But still it would be better than abortion if it worked, you know what I mean?

Yes, i agree with you!
As for condoms, dont buy cheap ass condoms, buy the best
and expensive kind would be the best bet.
As for BC, well, im not so sure and i know it dont work for all
women, in my case, it didnt do good for me, it helped prevented
pregnancy but it caused a lot of side effects so had to quit them.
I realized it didnt work for some women when it comes to prevention
of pregnancies, which surprised me. I guess they would have to discuss
with their doctors on which kind would be best for them, maybe trying
different kinds of BC. I wonder if some certain brands would work
better, like maybe stronger doses that would prevent pregnancies?
I dont know, really..Im not knowledgable about them, really.
Id try anything cuz i would hate to have abortions as i dont believe
in abortions! It is morally wrong in my opinion.
Yes, i agree with you!
As for condoms, dont buy cheap ass condoms, buy the best
and expensive kind would be the best bet.
As for BC, well, im not so sure and i know it dont work for all
women, in my case, it didnt do good for me, it helped prevented
pregnancy but it caused a lot of side effects so had to quit them.
I realized it didnt work for some women when it comes to prevention
of pregnancies, which surprised me. I guess they would have to discuss
with their doctors on which kind would be best for them, maybe trying
different kinds of BC. I wonder if some certain brands would work
better, like maybe stronger doses that would prevent pregnancies?
I dont know, really..Im not knowledgable about them, really.
Id try anything cuz i would hate to have abortions as i dont believe
in abortions! It is morally wrong in my opinion.

Yeah, BC doesn't always works, but I would just pick condom over BC because BC is just a pill and we are unsured that it would prevent the pregnancy. I would pick condom over BC because it proofed that the sperm will not go in the vagina.

I wonder if the condom for vagina would be any good? I still pick a condom for cock because condom for vagina doesn't make me horny but feel like I am fucking a plastic bag :rofl:

There is many varies of ways to avoid the abortion...
Yeah, BC doesn't always works, but I would just pick condom over BC because BC is just a pill and we are unsured that it would prevent the pregnancy. I would pick condom over BC because it proofed that the sperm will not go in the vagina.

I wonder if the condom for vagina would be any good? I still pick a condom for cock because condom for vagina doesn't make me horny but feel like I am fucking a plastic bag :rofl:

There is many varies of ways to avoid the abortion...

:laugh2: U are so funni!
yeah, thats true, it dont feel so natural with the
stupid ole condom..(thats what hubby says too! :giggle:)
I know what u saying about BC, is unreliable as some women
says that it is possible to get preggy anyways...eeeks. But if it
works to prevent pregnancy and no side effects then good. But
some other women have to rely other methods. I know a lot of women
who decide they have enough kids usually have their tubes tied or
their hubbys have vacetomies (sp?) Thats a gooood birth control!!!

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