I'm really sorry you had to go through this.I know it happens. This is one of the reasons I'm pro life because young girls don't always have a choice. They are controlled by their parents/boyfriends who may want to get rid of the baby.
Thank you.

I'm really sorry you had to go through this.I know it happens. This is one of the reasons I'm pro life because young girls don't always have a choice. They are controlled by their parents/boyfriends who may want to get rid of the baby.
Oh good grief..I said PEACE OUT...I dont want to argue anymore..
No, I am not here to make an arguement but convince you and tried to solve this issue with you. You are the problem.
What Puyo said is between you and Pacman. I only quoted part of your post where you referred me in your post toward Pacman to correct and simple question you.
You are the one being childish if you keep on and on and on!
That is being very childish and inmature on your part..
I said stop arguing on my last post, that is being very mature on my
part. This is the last time im gonna say anything to you!
very childish and immature on my part? Is it what I tried to solve this issues with you and also ask you simple questions very childish and immaturity? Oh my dear, I really feel sorry for you. Your post is the best proof that you are really a problem, not us.
I realized that it is not sense to try to solve this issues with you.
am afraid yes, see yourself what you, Marie, Cheri and Reba said here and several Christians. What you all support death penalty and against abortion are a pro-choice.
Death penalty has nothing to do with babies. I'm pro-life on babies, this thread is about abortion not death penalty, I wish Pacman never pulled the thread off topic to begin with, which is usual of him to pull threads off topic.
Look at where this thread is going now?![]()
I don't know--which is worse, an aborted first trimester fetus, or an unwanted severely abused child?
I agree with others here that abortion should never be used as a viable form of birth control.
lol thanks for mention me as a very kind man![]()
But if in case of dangers to mother's life, that would be a different story.
yeah, that's why I am pro choice.
I would rather that mothers go thru full term pregnancies
and if they cannot keep them, give them up for adoption
to the couples who would love to have them. There are
millions of couples who could not have children of their
own, would love to adopt babies.
My aunt and uncle, years ago adopted a boy and a girl cuz
my aunt was not able to have any children of her own, due
to hysterectomy at age of 23
Yes I would agree with you on this but it's not easy for some mother who can go thru full term pregnancies with strong willing and willing to give babies up for an adoption or not... Some mother change their mind to keep their babies then later regret... Depend on different person who have strong willing or not, that's why they rather to abort fetus to avoid later heart-breaking after give them up for an adoption.
yeah, that's why I am pro choice.
Ok fine, thats your choice.
Yes I would agree with you on this but it's not easy for some mother who can go thru full term pregnancies with strong willing and willing to give babies up for an adoption or not... Some mother change their mind to keep their babies then later regret... Depend on different person who have strong willing or not, that's why they rather to abort fetus to avoid later heart-breaking after give them up for an adoption.
Once they sign the papers, thats that, they cannot change their
minds. But i hear something new nowadays, they have what they
call, shared adoption, i think. The adoptive couple adopt the baby
and the natural mother is welcome to come to visit the baby anytime
and i think she can even keep the baby at certain times kinda like
divorced couple, "joint custody"! I didnt catch all the details on TV,
but it got my attention! lol!...it was weird and interesting.
No way, i would abort fetus cuz it is a breathing and living thing! No
matter what the outcome of what life is going to be like!
Death penalty has nothing to do with babies. I'm pro-life on babies, this thread is about abortion not death penalty, I wish Pacman never pulled the thread off topic to begin with, which is usual of him to pull threads off topic.
Look at where this thread is going now?![]()
The link, Pacman provided is "pro-life" which is relate to this thread "Pro-Choice or Pro Life" here. I thank Pacman for wake me up with those link what pro-life is about and realize that it's not only abortion issues what we thought.
I wish to say that I am for a pro-life because I am against mother who abort dozen of times without use sex protection, war, death penalty, but I would make myself a hypocritial if I claim that I am a pro-life that's why I would not do that because I support abortion for health reasons (accord Pro-choice link "her health or life (or that of the fetus) is at risk, contraception was used but failed", and euthanasia.
It is not a lame excuse. Look at a lot of children are being abuse by their parents. Why should they born to abuse parents then? I had a DVD - true and sad story "Young to Die". A mother neglect a girl a lot and told her that she do not wish to born her... and complaint that she sacrafie half of her life for raise her...
I know from an experience. My mother had me when she was 17 years old and struggle with me and my siblings. She struggle with money because her husband spent money on gambling... etc... etc... etc... and let step-dad abuse us emotionally which is unfair for children suffer like this. My mother married 3 times... their relationship goes different after have babies. True! Have babies are responsiblity which is different as couple with no children. It goes the same thing with my sister as well. She had a child when she was 19 years old and bad mother to her 3 kids. She told me often that she is VERY regret to have babies at early age and have no life experience... It ends her to abuse drugs until she is dead last year.
I know myself because my hubby & I were free and enjoy our life and travel alot for 7 years until we feel ready to start family. Oh yes, have family are a big step and responsibities.
Yes, the children change our lives.
Yes, the children cost us a lot of money.
Yes, we should be feel ready to be mature parents first before we started family, that´s why we wait for 7 years.
Why? Because they are not mature enough to be mother or parents which is unfair for children. Look at them, abuse children, etc.
I find disguist when anyone label the parents for as lame excuse because I had been through and know what it really is.
Did you know that sex protection are not 100% safety, that´s how end unwanted babies? Would you want some mothers end unhappy and struggle her life like this when fathers left them and run away... or no interesting for babies.
I do against anyone who abort dozen of times without sex protection but they do use sex protection but it´s not 100% safety.
I agree more with Puyo. Who pay the price? As you shared what you watched, I agree with Cheri. Sex does have consequences. Simple is that, stop sleeping around by knowing, not to have child(ren). Ladies should keep their legs cross. Always putting, like oh poor woman this, poor woman that, then several women teeheeing, then hop in bed again and got preg again, oh poor woman this, poor woman that, boo hoo attitude. MM, sounds like, babies, so what, we need to worry about women, not babies. That to me, is a LAME EXCUSE. Not shunned the ladies down, but constantly worrying about themselves than worrying about the child or the need of a child and the cost for being pregnant.
:jaw: I am total speechless about your post. Who is the responsible for children upbringing and also with money issues, education, etc? Of course I feel bad for women who trap with babies where the men play around for the fun... and do nothing for them... Keep on blame women for open their legs and protect men, that´s what you trying to tell me here? Your post make me feel sick in my pain...
*Excuse me please and walk off...*
Lieblin' ~
It's why they have their education about sex health at schools. They are responsible to take care of themselves and use common sense when it comes to condom, birth control pills and such. There's no excuse.![]()
Men are part of it too. But, rapist, is the different story. I have sooooo much adult shared their testimonies about their mothers been raped and thankfully for their mother thinking of a child than herself. Thats alot of love. I focus on no matter, if man or woman or child. Only thing, is get rid of the baby is sound like " men" fault. How many ho's been doing that? Oh, it still men fault. That is lame excuses. Most women are very manipulative and very dramatize, to make people fall for, oh poor woman, but for baby, so what, women have a right to murder/abort the baby. So, I can sleep with men as much I want, that's women's rights. Nah, that's not women's right, it is ho's rights.
Why you think I have no feelings? You are feeling just for women, but no feeling for men and babies. I don't care what websites saying, bec there are websites about other side also. I have met several women going thru. Like most of them saying, women feeling about themselves than anyone else. And many couldn't have child, bec of damages. There are lot of POVs of it. There are more killing babies by sleeping around than anything else. If women wise enough, NOT to have babies, then stop, sleeping around, if you can't afford child(ren). I don't care about other side, as long a child to be born, go for adoptions, or if happens a child is born at home or somewhere, go to the police, or firestations. It's alot better than murdering as a holocaust style for the babies.wow you has no feeling...
I support women rights.
It´s them who carry unborn baby to full term, not men.
It´s them who manage with money issues to take care of baby where deadbeat dads doesn´t bother to support them.
It´s them who stay home with babies, not deadbeat dads.
I would suggest you to google the website to see yourself how many rate child abuse/neglect/etc.
I would say it´s rare of women to keep rapist´s child. If they don´t want to keep rapist child then they will have my support.
Children cost a lot of money and responsibities... It´s NOT a lame excuse but the fact.
Lieblin' ~
It's why they have their education about sex health at schools. They are responsible to take care of themselves and use common sense when it comes to condom, birth control pills and such. There's no excuse.![]()