are you open mind about gay?



We are human beings just like straight people. Stop treating us like aliens.

I agree with you Your Mom! Sometimes I dont feel equal because I couldnt get what straight ppl got! I wish we could have equal, not like aliens.
I'm gay and i am not for gay marrage. ooooo i see the daggers hitting me from my fellow LGBT in here. It is a religous act. a lot of gays aren't particularly religous never attend church and loath religous people. why do you want something religous when you yourself aren't? It has always been for straight people and should remain that way....... ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THAT COIN...... i am for civil unions. Something that we can share and be legaly bound together. We should be able to visit the ones we love in the hospital just as straight people can with their spouses. All the legal things that go along with being married we should have. Just the religous part i think should be seperate. I am not athiest but i just don't see why people regect things and then want it.... strangeness to me.
one last thing those who are against civil unions or gay marrage, (for a different reason than me), say it is imorral for us to do so. They also say we are all permiscuous (sp) and will not be in a commited relationship. Then we show we can be in one and want to stay and bind ourselves to one another but you say no. This is a paradox. You stop us from doing the thing that will make us stop being this bad thing you say we are. Tells me you want us to sleep around so you can keep your homophobia in tact.
I'm gay and i am not for gay marrage. ooooo i see the daggers hitting me from my fellow LGBT in here. It is a religous act. a lot of gays aren't particularly religous never attend church and loath religous people. why do you want something religous when you yourself aren't? It has always been for straight people and should remain that way....... ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THAT COIN...... i am for civil unions. Something that we can share and be legaly bound together. We should be able to visit the ones we love in the hospital just as straight people can with their spouses. All the legal things that go along with being married we should have. Just the religous part i think should be seperate. I am not athiest but i just don't see why people regect things and then want it.... strangeness to me.

Are you aware that Athiests, jewish people, satan worshipers can all get a marriage, even though they do not attend a 'Christian church'. Being religious is not a prerequisite for getting married. You do not have to prove or in any manner express your religious beliefs.

As well did you know that marriage at one time was actually a property right, women were only taken as brides because they were more property to them men. Marriage has not always been between man and woman, other countries have allowed same sex marriage.

The thing is if the united states wants to say ONLY RELIGIOUS CHRISTIAN PEOPLE CAN GET MARRIED. Then thats fine, but then many many millions of marriages in this country would have to be canceled because everyone that gets married in this country is not religious. If were saying that because Christianity sees homosexuality as a sin, and will not allow gay marriage because it is a sin, then to be fair and equal the church should say that any person who has ever lied, any person who has ever stolen, any person that has ever cursed gods name or disrespected their parents, all murderers, any person that has ever committed a sin can not get married either.

The fact is that everyone but straight people can get married. Murderers can get married, child rapists can get married, people who steal and lie get married every day. And the church isnt trying to stop them, and in the bible it says that EVERY SIN IS EQUAL. So why is being gay different?
one last thing those who are against civil unions or gay marrage, (for a different reason than me), say it is imorral for us to do so. They also say we are all permiscuous (sp) and will not be in a commited relationship. Then we show we can be in one and want to stay and bind ourselves to one another but you say no. This is a paradox. You stop us from doing the thing that will make us stop being this bad thing you say we are. Tells me you want us to sleep around so you can keep your homophobia in tact.

I see a civil union as the same thing as the African Americans had in the 50's. Separate but equal.

And thats just not legal, it was illegal for them to say okay we will give you the same education, but were going to put you in a different school. Or we will give you a drinking water fountain, but you can use the same one as the white people.

A civil marriage is the same thing, they are saying okay we will let you have the same things, but we still want to make you feel like you arent normal, like something is wrong with you and you need to be separated. They want to say, we hate you so much, but we know that its illegal to not let you have the same things. So were going to let you have what you want, but were so narrow minded, selfish and greedy that we refuse to give you the same name as straight people. We want to put you in a little tiny box and make you still feel like you arent the same as every other american citizen.

African Americans did not start to get the respect and equality they deserved until the government stood up and said YOU ARE 100% EQUAL. Because as long as the rest of the country was seeing the government say to the African Americans, that they arent equal and that they refuse to treat them the same, the people thought well if the goverment doesnt think think are equal why should we?

Its the same thing until the government says okay, you are 100% equal to straight people then the rest of the country will think its okay to discriminate us. Once the government steps up and starts treating us fairly then the rest of the people will as well be forced to respect and treat us equal.

As long as the government supports discrimination the rest of the public will think its acceptable too. While the government was saying that African American people cant be treated equal, the African Americans didnt get the respect they deserved.

Separate but equal, isnt equal. Its discrimination.
If you are against gay marriage thats fine, dont go marry a gay person.

If you dont like gay marriage, then dont have a gay marriage.

My big point is that, marriage is not ONLY a religious ceremony. But in the united states people who are married get special tax benefits, special insurance reductions and numerous other special rights. And to not allow gay people to get married is saying that gay people cant have the same rights. The american constitution does not allow for discrimination, so if we offer special rights and laws to some people, we have to offer them to ALL people.

That would be like saying okay, adult white married men get tax benefits, but adult black females dont get any. Its discrimination.

Now if this were just an issue of religion, it would be fine. But marriage is not just about religion, because we have special laws and rights that people get when they are married. And not allowing EVERYONE to have FAIR and EQUAL access to those rights is illegal, its against the constitution.

So being against gay marriage for a religious reason, i understand your point of view, but you also have to understand that its not JUST about religion anymore. When the USA decided that they wanted to give special laws and rights to married people, they put a mix of religion and state. If they are going to allow straight people to get married and have tax reductions and insurance rate deductions then they have to allow gay persons to be EQUAL.

Gay people arent asking for something special, we are only asking to be treated just like everyone else. And we arent we are being treated like second class citizens, like we arent as good as straight people so we cant have the same laws. Thats just absurd, and its horrible illegal. At one time in this country it was illegal for black people to marry white people, and thats just the same, its WRONG to stop people form loving each other. Its WRONG to tell someone who they can marry.



We are human beings just like straight people. Stop treating us like aliens.

100% agree with you. :)

Government and religion are SEPARATED, period.

I don't want to hear about christian bullshit but proud to be agnostic.
Interestingly enough, interracial marriage was also banned until the 70s, and in many ways this was for the same reasons gay marriage is banned now.

Back to the thread's purpose though, platonic hugs and kisses are in order for all of the hetero folks here who stick by us in solidarity; you are the reasons why your queer friends and family are able to come out of the closet and be themselves. Never underestimate the positive effect that a gay-friendly relative or coworker can have on their closeted queer peers, especially young people.
by linking marriage to a sacred vow that can only be made before god, you are besically saying that people that don't share the same religion can't get married either, or limiting marriage to people that are religious in any form, and thus banning marriage for those that choose not to follow a religion.

edit> *dow* I'm too slow... I didn't see my mom posted the same things... wait a second.... Mom? What are you doing here! :s

In my opinion, marriage is are vows made out of love. Thats the only religion I feel the couple should share.

As for being gay... well... some are basterds and some are great folk. That only goes to show that they are normal people, because some streights are basterds and some are great, and they all share the same positives and nagatives that come with their character. And their character is what should be judged, not their sexual preference. If I had to choose between forcing someone into something he's not and making him misarable for the rest of his life, even though he might be a great guy that spends all his time helping other people so much he would make the dalilama blush, or letting him live his life and find love too... Hell yeah, i'd choose the latter.