I have gay friends and they're very nice people. God loves gay people, but hates their ACTIONS.
Im against gay marriages, but I do not offend them, but respect them.
If you are against gay marriage thats fine, dont go marry a gay person.
If you dont like gay marriage, then dont have a gay marriage.
My big point is that, marriage is not ONLY a religious ceremony. But in the united states people who are married get special tax benefits, special insurance reductions and numerous other special rights. And to not allow gay people to get married is saying that gay people cant have the same rights. The american constitution does not allow for discrimination, so if we offer special rights and laws to some people, we have to offer them to ALL people.
That would be like saying okay, adult white married men get tax benefits, but adult black females dont get any. Its discrimination.
Now if this were just an issue of religion, it would be fine. But marriage is not just about religion, because we have special laws and rights that people get when they are married. And not allowing EVERYONE to have FAIR and EQUAL access to those rights is illegal, its against the constitution.
So being against gay marriage for a religious reason, i understand your point of view, but you also have to understand that its not JUST about religion anymore. When the USA decided that they wanted to give special laws and rights to married people, they put a mix of religion and state. If they are going to allow straight people to get married and have tax reductions and insurance rate deductions then they have to allow gay persons to be EQUAL.
Gay people arent asking for something special, we are only asking to be treated just like everyone else. And we arent we are being treated like second class citizens, like we arent as good as straight people so we cant have the same laws. Thats just absurd, and its horrible illegal. At one time in this country it was illegal for black people to marry white people, and thats just the same, its WRONG to stop people form loving each other. Its WRONG to tell someone who they can marry.
We are human beings just like straight people. Stop treating us like aliens.