Are you happy with your deafness?


New Member
Feb 23, 2005
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It's open for everyone to discuss. Are you happy with the fact that you're deaf or hard of hearing? If not, why?
It's hard to answer. I don't feel ashamed of my hard of hearing status and actually I love my deaf world more than hearing world.. I feel as if I were trapped between two different world. I cannot totally be inside either of these worlds and this makes me unhappy and frustrated at times :(
I am so proud to be deaf :) :D. If I am hearing then proud to be hearing but!!! if I am hearing and I would love to involed with deaf commiuty (sp) love to learn ASL :D. But glad that I am deaf :) hehe :lol:
I was born HOH.. but my parents were deaf... so i am in deaf world also in hearing world.... i am now deaf for past 5 yrs... i am not ashamed of it... deafness runs in my family...
I was born severe HOH too, and in between worlds of Deaf and hearing too. I don't mind where I am at even though.
I LOVE being Deaf so that way I do NOT have
to listen to these disturbing sounds such as
crying babies or screaming etc.

I would go CRAZY if I can hear something !

I'm so blessed being Deaf !
i m not satisfied wiht my deafness; i m gonna go rip my tongue out, stab my eyes out, and mutilate my nose. perhaps step into an incinerator for a minute or two to get rid of that pesky tactile sense.

Huh ? ok....:iough:

Im so glad be deaf... no noise for me.. Because, I have 3 kids.. They always :crazy: :blah: :tears: :dizzy: :hyper: :run: :applause: :eek: :mad2: :hyper: Thank god,Im deaf...:squint:

Other things, Im so proud be :deaf: deaf:deaf: ... It doesnt bother me at all....

I've always been deaf, so it's not a curse or a blessing--just part of who I am!
Ohh one thing that I can hear that I am hoh but I go for said I am deaf that is all cuase I can signs lol :lol: I always said to them I am deaf that it lol :lol: havent told them that I am hoh haha
Ohh one thing that I can hear that I am hoh but I go for said I am deaf that is all cuase I can signs lol :lol: I always said to them I am deaf that it lol :lol: havent told them that I am hoh haha
same here DM..

My mother said I am HOH but I labeled myself DEAF. I am not shamed or embarrassed being deaf. I dont remember I lost my hear when I was 2 and half yrs old. It doesnt bother me. I am just being ME.
Ummm...good question. I don't mind being deaf "per se". I have learned to deal with it and survive in spite of it especially as I gravitate toward the hearing world easily. If I had a choice, I much prefer to be hearing as I'm quite comfortable with hearing in a noisy world. Life isn't fair but you take what you're given and that is fine with me. I do think that dealing with deafness makes me a better person as I'm more able to empathsize with others in difficult circumstances.
I have a little hearing impairment to deaf and hh people they'd say you're fine. But it is hard for me to hear if I am not looking at the person if they have a soft voice. The tv is up louder than normal although backgroun music on tv show is too loud but I have to have it up if I am going to hear the words. It is very frustrating yet I can hear the dog barking early in the morning those times make me wish I was deaf.
I am HOH and I am very happy with being HOH. I can hear things that are very interesting. It's nice to know what and where the sounds are coming from. It's also nice to take out my hearing aids when I get a nasty headache or turn them off when someone is talking excessively. I usually say my hearing battery died and that lets me leave the conversation. LOL. There are times where I wish I was competely hearing though. I am tired of asking "what?" or "huh?" when someone says something and I don't catch it. Besides that it's all good.
I have a little hearing impairment to deaf and hh people they'd say you're fine. But it is hard for me to hear if I am not looking at the person if they have a soft voice. The tv is up louder than normal although backgroun music on tv show is too loud but I have to have it up if I am going to hear the words. It is very frustrating yet I can hear the dog barking early in the morning those times make me wish I was deaf.

same here lol when I turn up the volume on tv that my mom or my sister came to living room and tell me turn it down then I said awww I cant hear if it is turn down ? and they said to me " TooBad! turn it down" OH blah! I turn it down and got grumpy cuase I love to hear the sound lol. :lol: now I am live on my own since I was 19 yrs old so I can turn up my tv of volume what I want! lol :lol: they cant tell me turn it down toobad for them!!! lol LOL !

same here DM..

My mother said I am HOH but I labeled myself DEAF. I am not shamed or embarrassed being deaf. I dont remember I lost my hear when I was 2 and half yrs old. It doesnt bother me. I am just being ME.

Oh yeah me too I go I said I am deaf lol some ppl staring at me when I signs pfffft at them lol :lol:
I LOVE being Deaf so that way I do NOT have
to listen to these disturbing sounds such as
crying babies or screaming etc.

I would go CRAZY if I can hear something !

I'm so blessed being Deaf !

Maybe that's why the hearing look insane to us sometimes. :giggle:
I wouldn't say I was "happy" to be deaf - that seems to almost sound like overcompensating for some inner inadequacy. A better word is that I'm comfortable with who I am as a deaf person and I have no desire to anything or anyone different.
I wouldn't say I was "happy" to be deaf - that seems to almost sound like overcompensating for some inner inadequacy. A better word is that I'm comfortable with who I am as a deaf person and I have no desire to anything or anyone different.

I consider myself the same way :gpost:

in my previous post, I just wanted to say that living in a hearing world as a hoh person is very tiring .