I'm 50% deaf in my right ear, 20% in the left. I'm not satisfied with being hard of hearing.
Personally I would rather be Deaf.
My ears have hurt me on-and-off since I was born and when I didn't have hearing loss my ears were so sensitive. Even now some sounds can really hurt my ears which don't hurt other people's. As I write this I've got a pain in them.
I also have to have the TV on loud to hear anything clearly (thank God for subtitles) and only being
hard of hearing means that I get harassed by my family somewhat, for example, being accused of ignorant, and my father's favourite 'I'm more deaf than you'--when his hearing is good.
He says "My eyes are worse than yours" to my mother who's bordering on being classed as registered blind (she can't read even large print).
My mother, bless her soul sometimes signs to me because she knows how difficult it is having to listen to things, though her eyes make it hard for her to sign so I speak back. I've taught her a few signs by controlling her hands for her, and she's told me if I was born Deaf or HOH then she would have learned BSL (or the BSL version of SEE) to talk to me.

(Just wish her eyes could get better though.)
So, I tell him "Then you shouldn't be driving." but I know he's just being a drama queen.
I'm not missing much being hard of hearing and I doubt I would if I was Deaf. It would stop a lot of blabbering and whining my way.

Being Hard of Hearing is no excuse to miss conversations, basically. :P