Are Most Deaf In the USA On SSI? I don't think that is true.


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Sep 14, 2006
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Someone told me he heard most of the deaf here in the USA are on SSI/SSDI. If this is true, I want to see that changed.
I don't know if there is any truth to this, but I have heard that at least sixty-percent (60%) of Deaf people are unemployed.

It seems a bit far-fetched.
You cannot count on the percentage because they account for all deaf people. People who have just became deaf through old age, blind people who are deaf, and low funtioning people who are deaf as well. Every single deaf ear is counted and this causes the percentage to seem very high.

Even people who are retired and recieving their pensions as well as thier SSI checks due to their age. Even they are counted for if they are deaf.

When counting how many unemployed people in the United States there are, then they count everyone without a job. Even those who are retired because they no longer have a job. They are living off their retirements or SSI. This is another cause for high numbers.

"Percentages are always souring and falling, but they are not real." -DAS
I can believe because if you go to different stores, different companies, different factories what are the chances are that you would find Deaf employees there? Mind you, there are around 1% of Deaf in community, why rarely you will find Deaf in workplace?

Also, here in Rochester, we have at least 10% Deaf in our community, and I rarely see companies that got more than 1% of Deaf in their workplace with one exception my job which exceeded that major time.

My last Job with Contact lens manufacturer once had 7 Deafies work together and they got over 1,100 employees, why only .7% work there?

This is way obviously! But to prove them that there is clear discrimination? You can figure out how closed mind hearing people are.

90% ??...Unbelievable!
If that so, then it mean there are over 30 million deaf in US, and deaf people are on SSI, over 27 millions. While rest of them are about 3 millions on job. That's pity.
Hearing people need to stop relying solely on hearing to perform many tasks. Too many narrow-minded hearing people out there so change will take a long time.
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You cannot count on the percentage because they account for all deaf people. People who have just became deaf through old age, blind people who are deaf, and low funtioning people who are deaf as well. Every single deaf ear is counted and this causes the percentage to seem very high.

Even people who are retired and recieving their pensions as well as thier SSI checks due to their age. Even they are counted for if they are deaf.

When counting how many unemployed people in the United States there are, then they count everyone without a job. Even those who are retired because they no longer have a job. They are living off their retirements or SSI. This is another cause for high numbers.

"Percentages are always souring and falling, but they are not real." -DAS
I hear NAD wants a survey done on deaf unemployment and that it wants it to better eflect the number of cultureally deaf people who are on SSI/SSDI.

That number is unacceptably high in my eyes.
Well, for whatever it is worth, I will opine that there are a lot more deaf folks on SSI than some of you think. In addition to some of the comments above pointing that way, I add that schools actually encourage, even assist their students to apply for it. Sad, eh?
Hearing people need to stop relying solely on hearing to perform many stops. Too many narrow-minded hearing people out there so change will take a long time.

I agree. At times I think the best course is to start your own business or work in the deaf ed related fields and that trying to find a job with hearing business is not recommended at all. But while that will help deaf we can't completely cut off the hearing so the deaf community will have to work on changing the bias against hiring deaf. It will take a long time to change that.
I also think that employment for deaf folks will increase significantly if the governments paid for interpreters.
In addition to some of the comments above pointing that way, I add that schools actually encourage, even assist their students to apply for it.
Well in their defense...........One reason why a lot of people apply for Disabilty is b/c they can't afford or can't qualify (due to preexisting conditions) health insurance.
to be honest - mild low functioning deaf people are the ones i see doing most of the work. Smart ones are the ones that are on the system.

I have a friend that is thinking about quitting his pretty good paying job to be on SSDI so he can try to get on a professional cycling team.