Anyone watching the winter olympics?

I really hope the MODS can get this thread back to the ORIGINAL topic. We are here to discuss sporting events and the athletets.

If the few of you here want to argue start your own thread!!!!!!!
I'm tired of good threads getting locked by the same few over and over.
Sochi Weather Warmer Than Expected

Oh wow, Sochi is getting warmer now.

Yeah I heard they where worried about not having enough snow, I have plenty in my back in yard Russia can have it all.

I was watching the skiing today and it was awful seeing two people wipe out. It's scary watching parts of the Olympic one woman helmet cracked when she fell during snowboarding . I would think the helmets would be made so they can't crack so easy.
I apologise Angel. It is just hard to see the USAnians knocking Russia when truth be told it has a better human rights record than the US.
For starters, tell that fairytale to the Christians and political dissidents who were sent to the Gulag, or the millions of people killed under Stalin's hand.

How old are you anyway?

...I feel a song coming on:

Long live our Soviet motherland, built by the people's mighty hand.
Long live our people, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.
In case you haven't heard, there is no more Soviet Union with a crimson flag.
I apologise Angel. It is just hard to see the USAnians knocking Russia when truth be told it has a better human rights record than the US.

Lets hope my fellow Euros the Russians kick USAnian arse when it comes to the ice hockey.

I feel a song coming on:

Long live our Soviet motherland, built by the people's mighty hand.
Long live our people, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.

I just don't understand, are you even deaf? Sorry I didn't read your intro. But why come to a forum for deaf people and piss on our country? It's Ok to want your athletes to win as I want mine to win. You have to know that a lot of us are from military families and I am sorry if that offends you. BUT we want to talk about the Olympics, the athletes who have trained a lifetime to get where they are.

We are not allowed to discuss politics here on AD and when you do you end up getting the thread closed. Now if that is your intentions your doing a good job. Why not sit back and get to know us without all the hate. Most of us are really good people and I for one need this site and my friends here to help me through the transition of losing all my hearing.
Angel I am hard of hearing. Have been for more than 12 years now. I have managed just about to stay in the hearing world but it is tough at times. Tough being a father to hearing children and trying to maintain relationships with hearing people who seem to have a very limited patience with deaf/HoH.
Well, since you basically breed 'em and ditch 'em, I can see why you are treated no better than an outsider.
Reba I said Russia when talking about human rights. The gulags and religious repression (not necessarily bad) belong to a previous era.
You do realize that Putin is from the previous era?

Sorry I could only find the words including Soviet Union. It must be a great moment to be a Russian right now. They must be so proud
Those aren't even a translation from the original anthem. They are lyrics written by Paul Robeson.

I don't like translated versions of national anthems. I prefer hearing them in their original versions.

Back in the 60's I had the original Red Army Chorus LP album, which included the Soviet anthem in Russian and the La Marseillaise in French. Much better.

I assume the Russian people are proud of their Olympic accomplishments. Why not?
I assume the Russian people are proud of their Olympic accomplishments. Why not?
I always assumed the Russians were a bit more honest with their training methods than say, the East Germans.
Reba, Putin is anything but a communist. He permits the free market and economic liberalism. He just holds back on certain political freedoms.
You must not even read what you post.

Putin is not above using old-style KGB/Soviet methods to get his way.

You posted "He permits free market and economic liberalism." He permits? That means he can also restrict or refuse.

"He just holds back on certain political freedoms."

What you just described is a dictator.

. . . It needed a hard dictator like Putin to drag the Soviet Union back up and restore some pride. Gorby messed up by allowing political freedom before the economy had had a chance to adjust to capitalism. The country was on its knees when Putin pushed Yeltsin from power.
You celebrate Soviet-style dictators but have the audacity to lambaste America's human rights record? Puh-lease….:roll:
That is the law in the UK and US. It is very easy to cut a father out of children's lives if a mother with residency chooses to do so. I went to court. Read up on family law, represented myself but there is little that can be done. If a mother wants to leave a country with children then she is free to do so. Best thing you can do as a man is suck it up and move on in life. It is my fault for fathering children with a European from another member state.
That's not what you said before in another thread.
That's not what you said before in another thread.
My point, exactly. Bragging about bagging them, without shame. Almost like mounting heads on the wall. Making sure that we know he isn't finished sprinkling his seeds in as many gardens as he can. Now he backtracks. :roll:
My thread has been highjack big time ! This is about the Olympic , people should start their own thread about human rights.
Back to the topic...

Anyone watch the Speed Skating competition today? It was exciting to watch. One the announcers said they go just as fast as Usain Bolt.
Back to the topic...

Anyone watch the Speed Skating competition today? It was exciting to watch. One the announcers said they go just as fast as Usain Bolt.

I watch some of and saw two brother win a race , their country won all 3 medals . I think that is neat.
you're joking. Stalin killed more Russians than anyone. bravo Mao of China is worse

Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation,‎

Reba what did I say before?Was I trying to get a reaction?

Yes Putin is a dictator. Possibly that has been what Russia needed. With a democracy the criminals just ran amok and robbed all the state assets and wealth. He is not a communist though and did as any Russian did during the 70s and 80s and used the party hierarchy to build a powerbase.

He gets demonised in the west but truth be told he has turned Russia around. Is he the right man to lead them for another 15 years? Probably not. Whatever happens though they must not slide back to democratic leaders who let chaos ensue again. Democracy but not at the price paid under Yeltsin.

It would be nice if the Sochi Olympics were Putin's swan song but right now there is no credible alternative. Only the other politicans from the same ilk who will restrict the ability of other parties to win elections.
you're joking. Stalin killed more Russians than anyone. bravo Mao of China is worse

Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation,‎

:topic: Made your own thread about Stalin.

I think it's a drag that snowboarders are having a hard time because the halfpipe is messed up. The guys couldn't do their tricks right because there are too many bumps in the snow .
...I think it's a drag that snowboarders are having a hard time because the halfpipe is messed up. The guys couldn't do their tricks right because there are too many bumps in the snow .
Yes, and the warm weather is mushing up the course which makes it more difficult.
Awesome, my cable came back on just in time to see Shaun White flying high!!!!!

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