Anyone here a birdwatcher?

When we had our house, I was. I don't see any birds at the condo and I miss them. I used to feed the Blue Jays peanuts and they'd dive like bombers from the sky. I loved watching the Cardinals in the evening. There was something so peaceful about them and I wish we still had the house....

When we had our house, I was. I don't see any birds at the condo and I miss them. I used to feed the Blue Jays peanuts and they'd dive like bombers from the sky. I loved watching the Cardinals in the evening. There was something so peaceful about them and I wish we still had the house....


My next door installed a bird house in their tree. And I'm getting all stupid bird poops on my car's mirrors. :rl:
Yeah I like to watch the birds take a bath in the water I put out for them. I just hope I will not be charge with violating the birds rights to privacy doing this. You never know today what is illegal to do.

A Sparrow build a nest under the top floor deck and every time I open my sliding door to take my dog out the bird fly away. I feel bad about this and wonder how long it take for the babies birds to get big enough to leave the nest so I can have my deck back. I have not sat out there as it would keep the mother bird away from her nest.
When we had our house, I was. I don't see any birds at the condo and I miss them. I used to feed the Blue Jays peanuts and they'd dive like bombers from the sky. I loved watching the Cardinals in the evening. There was something so peaceful about them and I wish we still had the house....


Have you ever gone to Plum Island , it's not too far from you You can see a lot of birds there but you need to go before the greenheads come out or you'll get eaten alive! They bite like HELL!
I'm a casual bird-watcher, when I see a bird I become a birdwatcher.
The bird nest I've been watching (guarding our dogs from) that is on our front porch has finally hatched! I saw mama Robin feeding her babies this morning. Tried to get a photo but it was blurry, and mama got mad. So I quickly left. I did get beautiful photos while they were still eggs. I will give it a few days for the babies to wean and grow a bit before I come near again. Best to leave wildlife be as much as possible.
I am watching a Robins nest now. There were two eggs which hatched on Mothers Day. Both of the young birds were out of the nest yesterday. We had a rain storm last night and I found one of them today upside down in the grass. I got him back into his nest and checked on him throughout the day and he seems better. The Momma bird has stopped yelling at me.
Wirelessly posted

I enjoy looking out the window in the laundry room while folding clothes. We have a birdfeeder and birdbath in the backyard. Various of bird stop by to dine and bath. I do have a bird book to help me identify some of the birds I do not reconise.
I am always watching birds. Always test myself to identify them. Might get me in trouble since I do it riding my motorcycle too. Especially like seeing egerts flying
yes i am...i been away for two days skomer island (WALES) helping proffesionals to ring puffins
Have you ever gone to Plum Island , it's not too far from you You can see a lot of birds there but you need to go before the greenheads come out or you'll get eaten alive! They bite like HELL!

Technically, nobody is allowed to set their foot on Plum Island unless you are authorized personnel. Plum Island is home to animal disease research bio-safety/hazard level four facilities.

I am always watching birds. Always test myself to identify them. Might get me in trouble since I do it riding my motorcycle too. Especially like seeing egerts flying

Lol, I do the same while driving! Especially if I see bird of prey circling overhead, or perches in the tree on side of the road.

yes i am...i been away for two days skomer island (WALES) helping proffesionals to ring puffins

Awesome! I always wanted go on exotic birding tours. Puffins are cute and are pretty agile underwater!

Anyone here have seen "Big Year" movie, or read similar theme books about birders chase their quests. One of my favorite is "The Life List".
afraid nothing exotic about it,my son got me on to what i thought was two days relaxing looking at birds,to my surprise even horror i found myself with group of zoology post grads students...had stick hand down hole count eggs ring chicks 'AUKS' painful peck.
watch Sun fish sunny side up gulls appearing to be pecking it to death but they delousing fish..It is awsome going with people like that,i would never notice or know stuff like that.Afraid i was baggage they could done without but they far to polite to said anything....i was hopless at grabing birds
Yea, I do enjoy watching different birds out there. I recently saw a bird with red belly (took picture of that) also a tiny blue and gray bird as well.
birds are beautiful, when i see a nice bird or two fluttering in the branches of tree above, or down in the horizon, often times, id take a pause and let nature entertain me, or give me a chance to reflect on beauty of things outside (my life) and get this peaceful feelings

then time to of my siameses (Gertie) will show off, bringing in deaf birds in the house...yuck...that's another way of reminding that nature is NOT always so beautiful...
they love it, i dont...

and...i dread seeing live birds fluttering in my house or garage, because its a sign that someone i know will die...i really believe that, it happened to me alot of times before, (and that's a Maori way) even though im not Maori, i still believe it..weird...
I love birds. I had put out seeds and suet on the feeder in my backyard in the bush. I watched them eating their food from the feeder while I was washing the dishes and that was only in the Winter time. The squirrels sometime invaded the feeder to get to the seed or suet.

Late Spring, Summer and Fall, I can not feed them as there were black bears roaming around in the bush. So it is better to be safe for my own sake. There were Black Crows, Sea Gulls (Terns), Hawks, Eagles, Mourning Doves, Blackbirds, Chickadees, Robins and lots of different birds that came out which I sometime never knew they were there. They were awesome to watch them do their thing. :D
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Technically, nobody is allowed to set their foot on Plum Island unless you are authorized personnel. Plum Island is home to animal disease research bio-safety/hazard level four facilities.

Lol, I do the same while driving! Especially if I see bird of prey circling overhead, or perches in the tree on side of the road.

Awesome! I always wanted go on exotic birding tours. Puffins are cute and are pretty agile underwater!

Anyone here have seen "Big Year" movie, or read similar theme books about birders chase their quests. One of my favorite is "The Life List".

What that HELL are you talking about! I have gone to Plum Island a number of times and people are allowed to go on see the birds , you can only go at certain times of the year , they have a booth at the entrance and you're told to stay on the walkway and the what the rules are. You do NOT have be to authorized personnel. And sick animals are not house there. There a deer hunt on Plum Island every year to thin out the deer so they do not overpopulate and get sick. You're totality wrong!

There are two Plum Islands and Stargazer Lilies is right about the one in NY . I should had said which Plum Island I meant.
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I was at my in-laws' yesterday. We kept seeing these gorgeous bright orange birds. They live on a ranch. Any ideas what they might be?