Yup, I've read about Solar Cell don't last 10 to 15 years. It's the coating become weakened and faded out due to Sun's strong UV ray. They're like an acid eating away the paint.
I agree about Solar water heater. I've seen several homes have solar water heater. Some are very old and looked ugly. I remmy that over the year I drove by one house w/ ugly reflector finally removed after it was sold to new owner. It sound like it had a short usefulness. Due to winter season. One had to drain water at night to prevent pipe freezing and breakage. BUT I read about newest Solar water heater that use Propylene Glycol that act like car's antifreeze but non-toxic to environment. It act like heat transfer unit to transfer heat to both water heater and furnace to keep water hot and heats home during Cloudless Day time....
Geothermal isn't everywhere. Not all states have them. You have to be near where volcano located where it produce steam coming out from ground. Some area require drilling close to magma so they can put coil pipe in (that'll be hundreds of feet or more and require powerful water pump) to extract heat from it. Right now Environmentlist don't want see beautiful geothermal disappears. Some state used to have "old faithful" fountain and was destroyed by geothermal technology use. So they had to keep balance beauty and use.
I read about Hydrogen and it's use. it CANNOT broil waters, but can heat home. Inventor is working on to put it to market. It have electrolysis process to seprate water into H2 O just like overcharged battery. Then pipe it to furnace's Jet or rack burner. Furnace must be stainless steel because after it burns, it returns back to water and return back to electrolysis tank. It's the cleanest way to keep environment clean and purify water too..
As for natual gas furnace. I would recommend ANYONE to have Jet furnace instead of Rack furnace. Typically, Jet furnace have 5 Jet burners. They're so economical. I DID see BIG difference on gas bill. At my old 3 bedroom home. It had Rack furnace and gas bills are high. When I moved into 4 bedroom home which is twice bigger than my old home. It have Jet furnace. Same size as my old furnace. The gas bill halved of what I paid. My wife and I got puzzled cuz of size of our new home (I thought big home means big gas and electric bills but it turned out not to be true, it's far cheaper than our old home! huh!!!??
. Both home (previous and current) have excellent insulation. It's just the furnace itself. My parent replaced their furnace to Jet type in their 40 years old home that have no insulation at all, their gas bills cut in half.... Same goes for my friends too.
Try ride bike or buy a scooter to ride to work as long as it's not a highway to work to save gas. Try find backroad if possible.