Anyone ever been to a rodeo?


New Member
Oct 28, 2004
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Well before i attend to one. I need to know how long the events lasts? I saw rodeo events on TV but never saw it live. Rodeo events are taped and cut on TV. So tell me what to expect and how long it last?
ravensteve1961 said:
Well before i attend to one. I need to know how long the events lasts? I saw rodeo events on TV but never saw it live. Rodeo events are taped and cut on TV. So tell me what to expect and how long it last?

It depends on the events that you desire to see. There are many different types of events. Most rodeos around here last all day long.
ravensteve1961 said:
I wanna see bull riding event and cow punching.

Cowpunching? Never heard of it. Why dont you look up on Google for local rodeos for you to find out yourself?
Yes, I have been to the rodeo.

The rodeos in the small town here last 2-3 hours, for two nights in a row.

They have cattle roping competition and bull riding. Also, exhibits of fancy "trick" riding, horse racing competitions for kids, horse-riding competitions for women, fancy rope work show, humor entertainment by the clown, patriotic parade, and various other events. Each rodeo is different.

You need to contact someone local about your rodeo. Each one is different. Big rodeos are more professional, but small ones are neat because you can get closer to the action.
LOL...Do you mean steer wrestling? Cowpunching is an Easterner term for cowboys.

Bullriding can take up to 2 hours, depending how many riders they have and how many rounds they have to go.

I have been in rodeos that have taken all day, half the night during three days' events.

There is Rope and Tie, team roping, barrell racing, steer wrestling, bull riding, bareback bronc riding, saddle bronc riding, breakaway roping, bulldogging...

and dont forget the rodeo clowns.
You know,,two men at the gate,,Then gate releases theres a calf running around two men swing their ropes and then tie their legs. That looks like fun.

It's two separate events.

If a single man ropes a cow, then ties the legs down, thats a Rope and Tie.

If a man ropes the head, the other man must rope the hind leg and back up until the cow falls down on its side. That's team roping.
Well some reason ESPN cuts out some of the events. Like theyre never gonna show you the dangers on some of these events. And theyre never gonna show it live on ESPN. Now in texas, TV stations there will show it live cause texans are a custom to it.
Well I grew up in Western Kansas and am still active in PRCA and WPRA - was in barrel riding and saddlebronc riding...I really did enjoy doing it and although I dont do it anymore, I still enjoy watching it live.
i've seen many Rodeo's at state fair, metrodome events, and so on.. its interesting to watch.. and yeah i love those Bull hitting the clown :D
I went to a gay rodeo one time by accident.....I'd rather not talk about it :(

Just kidding ;) I went to a rodeo one time with a friend while visiting in Texas. It wasn't that bad of an experience. I didn't get into as much as the folks in TX did, but I can say that I had a good time.
it varies 2 to 4 hours. I went to a rodeo in Wyoming that lasted 4 hrs. I am orginally from Texas.

My cousin is a bullrider. Are you sure you wanna go and see horrendous things happens to the cowboys? A Bull do stomp the shit out of a cowboy.

My cousin has two pins in his leg (top and bottom). It is disgusting but he still loves it and does it still today. Prepare to bring a paper sack in case u get sick. Bull horn do puncture thru head or body or u name it. Prepare urself in case u get sick :barf: .
See yourself and sign up to be cowboy.. you deserved to be toss around and stomp on..
DreamDeaf is right,,Mom called the fairgrounds and they do have two separate events in two differant buildings Heres what she said.
Building A
Pig Racing
Saddle Bronc Riding
Bull Riding
Cost $22.50

Building B
Tie-down Roping
Calf roping
Cost $22.50

Both evens $40.00

What the hell is pig racing and bull dogging? what happens there? And looks like ill have to go in one building :( $40 is too much and not only that seats are all general admission means if i leave my seat go over to the other building i might not get a seat . I guess ill go in building A so i can see the Saddle Bronc Riding and Bull Riding :)