Panic attacks?...Do you consider them a form of mental issues?...Used to have them too...Learned how to breathe and close my eyes....until it passed. It wasn't life threatening to me...but maybe to some people it is. We all differ.
Used to have a phobia over insects....even ants....but didn't consider it a mental issue. Just pick up the nearest shoe or whatever and squash that bug to hell...or call the exterminator.
And I also got breathless over I went on a Ferris Wheel with a friend and he held my hand for assurance....After that, I was fine.
Has anyone ever truly defined "normal"? and what's "crazy"?....What's normal to some, is crazy to others....People do some things that I consider "Nuts"...but is their normal way of doing things....

And vise-versa.....
And like I said, taking a trip to the Looney Bin would change a lot of people's perception of things and the way some people do or act out.