Michel Foucault, a C20th French philosopher, had some very interesting things to say on madness and mental illness. He draws attention to how society - or in particular, the medical profession - treats people who are perceived to be suffering from madness. He argues that some people who are labelled "mad" aren't really ill, just different from "normal". He does recognise genuine mental illness, but argues that other stuff gets added thus confusing the issue.
Depression is a good example. The pharmaceutical industry makes big bucks from getting as many people as possible labelled "depressed". A core of these suffer immensely from genuine depression, but many others are just suffering from "the blues" and medication is more or less useless for this milder type.
Michel Foucault, a C20th French philosopher, had some very interesting things to say on madness and mental illness. He draws attention to how society - or in particular, the medical profession - treats people who are perceived to be suffering from madness. He argues that some people who are labelled "mad" aren't really ill, just different from "normal". He does recognise genuine mental illness, but argues that other stuff gets added thus confusing the issue.
Depression is a good example. The pharmaceutical industry makes big bucks from getting as many people as possible labelled "depressed". A core of these suffer immensely from genuine depression, but many others are just suffering from "the blues" and medication is more or less useless for this milder type.
Foucault had some pretty ridiculous theories on women and mental disorders. I studied some of his stuff for an article I wrote on Victorian literature because he was such a prominent psychologist during he Victorian erra.
he was alive in 50/60/70/80s not the victorian times, but yes he wrote some ideas. nah not ridiculous by that much, some a little strange yes, he was French so yah they're strange people
I know you just asked for the gist of it, but I thought I'd take a shot at writing up the whole thing. Mostly as an exercise for myself. If you still want a condensed version, drop me a line.
*Not the right word. Anyone help me with the sign at 1:10?
**1:16, seems like she got cut off by the video editing, or I missed something. Anyone?
***1:56 - I used causes, but that's not what she's mouthing. Not sure. Anyone catch it?
****4:19, this looks like a lexicalized fingerspelling #CO (company?) but I'm not sure if that fits in the sentence.
(I'm bouncing back and forth between interpreting more fully into English typical usage vs trying to keep the signs she used intact as much as possible, only because I'm working hard these days on trying to catch every sign and notice how the signer put them together, not just getting the basic idea and running with it.)
nah he's talking about deaftears, oh so very definitely schizophrenic, but we don't even want to start down that road!
I don't suffer from a mental disorder.....I rather enjoy being crazy![]()
you are depressed but happen to be in schizophrenia spectrum am right,that is rough thing to have