Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

Yes, I understand where you're coming from. But, you are on a DEAF forum. Where phonics don't mean a heckuvalot. It's almost rude. I can't think of a single other poster here who has instructed someone on how something should be pronounced. That's where Botts is coming from here.

Yes, I understand where you're coming from. But, you are on a DEAF forum. Where phonics don't mean a heckuvalot. It's almost rude. I can't think of a single other poster here who has instructed someone on how something should be pronounced. That's where Botts is coming from here.

Thank you AlleyCat :) but on this forum people fall all along the deaf and HoH spectrum and I do not know where Travis sits along that spectrum. As I said, I read his questions to be, what does the word caulking sound like, cauling or walking? The question did not strike me odd at all because I have been asked many times by deafies how to pronounce a particular word or to pronounce a written word so they can see how it looks when it is spoken. I cannot make it any clearer that it may have been a mistake on my part in interpreting his question and, if that was the case, I apologized for my misinterpretation. I can kind of understand now why there are so many active members here who rarely join in conversations/thread it's a minefield and one potential misstep can cause you damage :( . I can (and did) understand where Bottesini was coming from, which is why I tried so hard to explain myself but it got me nowhere. I wish Travis would let us know what he meant by his question, that would be most helpful to me ... or anyone else can feel free and most welcome to offer me their intepretation of the question "sound cauling or walking?" in the following post:

means caulking?
cut the end of the tube ?:
I reading more notice bit missing language

sound cauling or walking?
If I had any understanding phonics, I probably answer Travis question same way Journey. I read Travis question that way, I not answer only because I think I have no idea how word sounds. Not think Journey intend be "rude", she not help be hearie, think like hearie. She apologise, ask clarification question...not sure what else anyone want her say/do.
If I had any understanding phonics, I probably answer Travis question same way Journey. I read Travis question that way, I not answer only because I think I have no idea how word sounds. Not think Journey intend be "rude", she not help be hearie, think like hearie. She apologise, ask clarification question...not sure what else anyone want her say/do.

Thanks Sunny, it's nice to know I was not the only one who read it that way - maybe it's a Canuck thing lol. And you are right, I was not trying to be "rude" at all.
If I had any understanding phonics, I probably answer Travis question same way Journey. I read Travis question that way, I not answer only because I think I have no idea how word sounds. Not think Journey intend be "rude", she not help be hearie, think like hearie. She apologise, ask clarification question...not sure what else anyone want her say/do.

I don't think I'd be much better when it comes to phonics.
Thank you AlleyCat :) but on this forum people fall all along the deaf and HoH spectrum and I do not know where Travis sits along that spectrum. As I said, I read his questions to be, what does the word caulking sound like, cauling or walking? The question did not strike me odd at all because I have been asked many times by deafies how to pronounce a particular word or to pronounce a written word so they can see how it looks when it is spoken. I cannot make it any clearer that it may have been a mistake on my part in interpreting his question and, if that was the case, I apologized for my misinterpretation. I can kind of understand now why there are so many active members here who rarely join in conversations/thread it's a minefield and one potential misstep can cause you damage :( . I can (and did) understand where Bottesini was coming from, which is why I tried so hard to explain myself but it got me nowhere. I wish Travis would let us know what he meant by his question, that would be most helpful to me ... or anyone else can feel free and most welcome to offer me their intepretation of the question "sound cauling or walking?" in the following post:

means caulking?
cut the end of the tube ?:
I reading more notice bit missing language

sound cauling or walking?

Travis is full ASL so, when read his posts *know* he full deafie. Probably 100% deaf but do not know for sure. Only know he full ASL with words.

Do not take offence. Poster probably trying to just make aware or educate.
Thanks Sunny, it's nice to know I was not the only one who read it that way - maybe it's a Canuck thing lol. And you are right, I was not trying to be "rude" at all.

Do not feel *rude* either but do not forget we all have lots and lots of bad 'Hearie' days. Capital "H".
Thank you Rebecca, I appreciate what you have said :wave:. I understand bad Hearie days, have experienced them in action and they are not pretty. Now maybe I have experienced bad Deafie days here. :hmm: Anyway, it is all about learning as we go and I am grateful for everyone's experience and advice, thanks.
I majored in English and I've forgotten everything I once knew about phonics...

Here, however, is a recent, stupid (not annoying or ignorant, but actually stupid) hearing people story.

Went to dinner with a friend and five acquaintances. Was talking to friend about my classes in ASL, when one guy said asked why I was learning ASL. I told him I wanted to be a terp. He said (and my blood boils typing this) "Why? Sign language is just a bunch of pointing and meaningless gesters." My friend had to hold me back. I informed him that was wrong and ASL is a beautiful, complicated language. "All Deaf people read lips," he told me. And "Sign language is a universal language." (Amazingly ignorant, isn't he?) Again, my friend had to hold me back because this time I lunged at him. After attempting to educate this fool, someone else at the table said, "Why not just write everything down?" I don't remember my exact answer, but it quieted everyone at the table. I do believe I called everyone ignorant, arrogant hearies, who give hearing people a bad name in the Deaf Community.

At that point, my friend suggested we leave. Since she was my ride, I agreed.

I don't think they'll be inviting me to the next birthday celebration. Too bad; it was supposed to be mine!:roll:
Thank you AlleyCat :) but on this forum people fall all along the deaf and HoH spectrum and I do not know where Travis sits along that spectrum. As I said, I read his questions to be, what does the word caulking sound like, cauling or walking? The question did not strike me odd at all because I have been asked many times by deafies how to pronounce a particular word or to pronounce a written word so they can see how it looks when it is spoken. I cannot make it any clearer that it may have been a mistake on my part in interpreting his question and, if that was the case, I apologized for my misinterpretation. I can kind of understand now why there are so many active members here who rarely join in conversations/thread it's a minefield and one potential misstep can cause you damage :( . I can (and did) understand where Bottesini was coming from, which is why I tried so hard to explain myself but it got me nowhere. I wish Travis would let us know what he meant by his question, that would be most helpful to me ... or anyone else can feel free and most welcome to offer me their intepretation of the question "sound cauling or walking?" in the following post:

means caulking?
cut the end of the tube ?:
I reading more notice bit missing language

sound cauling or walking?

I would like to mention the 'hearability' of languages (I do not think that there is a single word to describe it). American English is the best thing that I know of. Americans speak clearly, they make pauses between words, they have a nice rhythm, etc. Before anyone says a word, it is not a statement of cultural or political preference, it is merely my judgment of the 'hearability' criterion.

Canadian English is indistinguishable from American English. British English accent is slightly worse, but still 'hearable'. I have visited different parts in England and Ireland and sometimes I cannot hear what they are saying.

Swedish (my native language), German, Russian, Italian are good. French and Danish are really difficult. They do not make any pause between words at all which for me is the main criterion to hear what people are saying.

I studied French for years in school. Useful? No, way!
I am really annoyed that I can't use this thread to express my annoyance .
Also I get really annoyed when they come here with quack remedies. Like a CD that restores the "hearing nerve."

From irreparable damage to the cochlear/vestibular nerve, I constantly feel sick, and fall down easily from vertigo.

If it was fixable, I am pretty sure a doctor would have proposed a treatment.
I majored in English and I've forgotten everything I once knew about phonics...

Here, however, is a recent, stupid (not annoying or ignorant, but actually stupid) hearing people story.

Went to dinner with a friend and five acquaintances. Was talking to friend about my classes in ASL, when one guy said asked why I was learning ASL. I told him I wanted to be a terp. He said (and my blood boils typing this) "Why? Sign language is just a bunch of pointing and meaningless gesters." My friend had to hold me back. I informed him that was wrong and ASL is a beautiful, complicated language. "All Deaf people read lips," he told me. And "Sign language is a universal language." (Amazingly ignorant, isn't he?) Again, my friend had to hold me back because this time I lunged at him. After attempting to educate this fool, someone else at the table said, "Why not just write everything down?" I don't remember my exact answer, but it quieted everyone at the table. I do believe I called everyone ignorant, arrogant hearies, who give hearing people a bad name in the Deaf Community.

At that point, my friend suggested we leave. Since she was my ride, I agreed.

I don't think they'll be inviting me to the next birthday celebration. Too bad; it was supposed to be mine!:roll:

It's no big loss as they're not worthy or respectful enough to celebrate your birthday.
It's no big loss as they're not worthy or respectful enough to celebrate your birthday.

Thanks! :ty:

And you're right. The more I think about those people, the more I think how pathetic their lives are. Just another group of idiots to cross off my list...:dance2: