Again, I did not give a lecture, I answered a question ... a question that, in reading through the thread, I thought had not been answered. If you noticed, it was a stand-alone question dropped down a ways from the other question/response that he had addressed to you. If Travis did not mean the question the way I read it or was offended by my answer, he should have corrected me. I certainly did NOT intend to diminish you, I was offering an answer to a question Travis asked so was only thinking of him and his question. However, the only way to clear that up completely is for Travis himself to clarify what he meant by "sound cauling or walking". If I was completely off-base in my reading of his question then I would not hesitate to apologize to him for my error.
Secondly, if anyone asks a question in a public forum, of course others will answer it or jump in. Although these particular posts are between you and I, I have no problem with others jumping and and offering an opinion or asking their own question, it is a public thread, open to all. However, IF I had a problem with someone jumping in at a certain time, I would address it then and there, not take a dig at them somewhere down the line in another thread.
Lastly, I am sorry you misunderstood my intent and am sorry you seem to misunderstand me on the whole. I am neither ignorant nor evil and never intentionally disrespectful to anyone. I just see or read things differently than you (or others) based on background and experience - NOT better or worse, just different - and that should be ok.