Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

When I got my new HAs about 5 years ago, they were at a much louder volume than my old ones (didn't realize how much my old ones had disintegrated or were breaking -- my db loss was the same so it wasn't that) and I was hearing all these things I never heard before, like the sound of my cell phone vibrating on the kitchen counter. I was like "what the heck is that ??!!!!" I suppose I eventually tuned it out as I didn't hear it anymore after a few weeks. Makes me glad that on weekends, I leave my HAs out. I love the utter total SILENCE. :)
I notice on people not respect because behavior not respectful because serious I know people not nice to deaf community discrimmation It is very not nice judge because inappropriate said not respectful manner behavior!
I have no idea... I've had to deal with that since I was little... I remember teachers telling my mom I was mentally handicapped because I couldn't sound out words, or anything of the sort, and I talked "funny" like the kids with downs did... when I saw my 2nd grade teacher tell my mom I was "challenged" I kept asking her... what did you say... what... and then she said "see"... and they all knew I couldn't really hear them. It wasn't until 3rd grade when I got my first HA's (paid for by the state) that my IEP said I would see the TOD 1x a week... I fell so far behind in school... that they talked about holding me back again in 2nd grade, because I wasn't learning like they would like me to... I find it rediculous that NO one (that I know of) talked to my parents or even suggested sending me to a Deaf School... they did try to get my parents to use sign with me... but their precious doctors told them it would be bad for me.

I get asked at work all the time, why do you sound funny? or where are you from? I was born 60 miles from where I work... and they all seem to think I'm either really stupid, have a speech impediment or I was born out of the country (though they can't pin down where)...

that bothers me too... "are you sure you weren't born somewhere else?" yes because my Deafness has made me so stupid that I don't even know where I am from... the joys of living in a hearing world I guess...

Oh good grief! I would have something not nice to say to someone who say that to me. Oy!
I have no idea... I've had to deal with that since I was little... I remember teachers telling my mom I was mentally handicapped because I couldn't sound out words, or anything of the sort, and I talked "funny" like the kids with downs did... when I saw my 2nd grade teacher tell my mom I was "challenged" I kept asking her... what did you say... what... and then she said "see"... and they all knew I couldn't really hear them. It wasn't until 3rd grade when I got my first HA's (paid for by the state) that my IEP said I would see the TOD 1x a week... I fell so far behind in school... that they talked about holding me back again in 2nd grade, because I wasn't learning like they would like me to... I find it rediculous that NO one (that I know of) talked to my parents or even suggested sending me to a Deaf School... they did try to get my parents to use sign with me... but their precious doctors told them it would be bad for me.

I get asked at work all the time, why do you sound funny? or where are you from? I was born 60 miles from where I work... and they all seem to think I'm either really stupid, have a speech impediment or I was born out of the country (though they can't pin down where)...

that bothers me too... "are you sure you weren't born somewhere else?" yes because my Deafness has made me so stupid that I don't even know where I am from... the joys of living in a hearing world I guess...
LOL @ the bold highlights. Priceless! :rofl:
Am I the only hearing person alive that is willing to say that I have no idea what it is like to be deaf?:dunno:

The only time I ever said I "knew what it was like to be deaf" was when I was finishing a paper for my ASL 1 class in HS at 3 in the morning.

It was a paper about watching a TV show on mute with captions on, which I had *technically* done a million times before because my mom uses captions and I often listen to my mp3 player while watching TV (same essence: TV show without TV show audio). I was grasping for things to add to my paper late at night and somehow came up with "this assignment showed me what it's like to be deaf."

My teacher called me out on it when he handed the papers back. I didn't even remember writing the sentence, and it's DEFINITELY not what I meant to say!:Oops:
And I imagine I'd be unnerved by the quiet. When you grow up hearing, you naturally filter things out. For instance, right now I can hear the water on the stove coming to a boil, the fire under it, my friend playing Playstation, her son, a helicopter, the crinkling of snack wrappers, my hands on the keyboard, bugs outside, voices of kids playing in the park, cars going by, the overhead fan, my dogs moving around and panting...yet, the only things my mind actually takes note of are the things I'm listening for, and as none of those sounds are loud, it's a quiet, peaceful afternoon for me.

It only gets overwhelming for me when I'm in a crowded, noisy area, or a place where I need to be listening/looking out for things, or taking in a lot of audio information in a short period of time. I get more fatigued when I'm trying to listen to a different language that I don't speak fluently (like when I was in France, I didn't talk to many people but I got stressed easily). I can't think of another situation right now that tires me out through the sheer level of noise.

I also just realized exactly how much audio input I get at any given time.....

You can hear the fire??? Wow!

What kind of noise does a fire make?

After a min of thought, I think I know since I do remember hearing fire burning at camp fire or in fireplace when it's really burning huge. Kinda like rushing wind?? Am I right?
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You can hear the fire??? Wow!

What kind of noise does a fire make?

After a min of thought, I think I know since I do remember hearing fire burning at camp fire or in fireplace when it's really burning huge. Kinda like rushing wind?? Am I right?

Depends on if it's wood or gas, and the size. The gas fire is like wind only, sort of like if you put your top teeth against your bottom lip and blow through it with your mouth sort of closed. Blow harder, that's a bigger fire. More softly, that's the smaller one. Wood fires, when big enough (i.e. filling a standard fireplace) are like a crackling, rushing wind. Depending on how wet the wood is, sometimes it pops. Smaller wood fires crackle and pop, like having pop rocks in your mouth but not nearly that fast.

Yeah, you were right. A huge campfire or one in the fireplace does sound like a strong rushing wind. :D
I think more people who are hearing but related to deaf are like you. My stepmother never said she thought she knew, but last week she did say it was much different than she had imagined.

She has lost most hearing due to age.

You are probably right. Those of us that have lived with someone deaf understands a bit better that we don't understand.
Though I know what it is like to struggle to understand someone, I cannot say I know what it is like to be deaf. Just like hearies and deafies cannot understand what it is like to HEAR a noise, but not know what it is/what it means. How hard it is to learn how to talk when the sounds are all the same in your head. How confusing it is when you can't listen to one person when there is several people around you, but you hear everything all together. Crickets outside chirping, fans, lights humming, shuffling, and everyone's conversation.

I really hope this is not taken the wrong way, but sometimes I wish I was either deaf or hearing. Sometimes I feel like I'm in this in between world where I'm not deaf, because I can hear, but I'm not hearing because I can't understand what I hear. If that makes sense? But this is how my life is, so I will make the best of it!
ha, I have 2 new ones. First one happened this past weekend. I'm not a very social person while at work. I just prefer to work. It's pointless to socialize when you cannot hear with all the noise and chatterboxes around you. Well, this guy who knows I'm deaf comes up to me to talk about I give a flying **** and covers his mouth during the first part of his presentation...I had to remind him several times to remove the hand. He also spoke so quietly I could not even read his lips and could hardly make out any sounds coming from him. This is not only tiring for me but very annoying and I cut the convo short and walked off.

The second incident happened today...ha, went to some hair place to look for color stripper and this **** just stood there like I was the strangest person they've ever seen, not to mention she couldn't understand a word I was saying. I got so angry at this hearing **** that I actually did what I typically don't. I said to her " so, what is the problem? can't understand me? forget it ***, thanks for the ******* help. I walked off but not before she apologized to me and THEN she offered to help me look for the specific color stripper I was looking for (brand). Too late lady....
Today, I ordered a sub @ subway and this bitch was talking loud. She needs to get a fucking clue how to talk to deaf ppl. I'd rather read lips,ya know. After I told her what dressing I wanted,she put dressing on my sub and then she said really loud, is that all?. I know she was enjoying being such a bitch! I wanted to shove my nutsack in her mouth. Gawd, what a rude whore.
Today, I ordered a sub @ subway and this bitch was talking loud. She needs to get a fucking clue how to talk to deaf ppl. I'd rather read lips,ya know. After I told her what dressing I wanted,she put dressing on my sub and then she said really loud, is that all?. I know she was enjoying being such a bitch! I wanted to shove my nutsack in her mouth. Gawd, what a rude whore.

so why not tell her that she didn't have to talk so loud?
so why not tell her that she didn't have to talk so loud?

I'm very quiet and yes, b/c of my deafness. I dont talk very much.

My bad for my rude post. Some people seems to enjoy being rude to deaf folks these days. There was a customer next to me.
I have been in a Subway where the employee was very loud to me as well. The customer behind me was really ticked. I tried and tried to explain that I was total deaf and I could for the most part, read lips if they spoke normally. Eventually, the other customer got pissed off enough that he opened his laptop and got to Word pad and I typed out my order and refused to speak. Now, if I go there again, my order is already written out, but that employee was fired for being belligerent. Seems this customer who helped me reported her to corporate offices.
:roll: this entire thread makes us hearies look like we're totally :crazy:

please don't lump us all into one box. some of us actually have some sense.
:roll: this entire thread makes us hearies look like we're totally :crazy:

please don't lump us all into one box. some of us actually have some sense.

Oh, you know we don't think all hearies are that way at all. We are just telling about some of them. We have posted some about some great supporters for us. And, there are great supporters that are hearing on this forum as well. I don't really think we were intending on "lumping" them all together like that.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Just blowing off steam. This thread is for deaf/HOH only for this specific purpose. Hearies please don't post on this thread. Your input will be well received on any other thread not only for deaf/HOH.
BTW, my beloved hubby is a hearie and he does irritating things. It's just part of the communication issues that exist.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

It's ok. We're a forgiving bunch. We're just blowing off steam.