Obviously you've never watched a cat or a dog play with their prey before they kill it. I've seen documentaries where lions and cheetahs and bears do the same, crippling an animal so that their offspring can "learn" how to kill and usually the animal ends up maimed but barely alive before the adult dispatches it. Its survival of the fittest.
I might say that humans have the relatively unique ability of self-awareness and higher mental functions.
Some individuals in non-human animal bodies, with non-human brains, do have self-awareness, and some higher states of mental ability... like Washoe, KoKo, dolphins, and other animals. Seeing Eye Dogs can develop their brains to be as 'intelligent' as a 5 year old human, pigs are even more intelligent, and other animals are even more.
Our mental ability results in both major deep misconceptions and inaccurate beliefs... us-them thinking, searching for reasons why suffering is okay, or reasons why it's okay to rob, murder, or rape others. Searching for reasons why it's okay to do things to others that we'd never want done to ourselves. The news is full of crazy things humans are doing.
A big difference is that non-human animals, largely, don't 'think' about what they do, it is more an instinct. It is more than 'they' are not in control of their bodies... it's more of a reflex. But humans definitely have the ability to be self-aware of our actions and words, and to use self control.
The human brain also allows us to explore and create all the amazing things we read about too. Mother Teresa, Ghandi, Jesus, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Helen Keller, W Mitchell, Mattie Stepanek... even incredible acts of caring that we have done and done by people we know.
I think, no matter what description gets applied to humans, or humanity, the question i'm guided by is always...
"from here... where?"
from where each of us is, where do we want to move towards?
...from any place, there is are many directions that will lead to more peace, understanding, freedom, awareness, consciousness, and welbeing. No matter what humans, or I, get labelled, I'll keep guiding myself by what will help others, and myself, the most

life is so precious, the body is so utterly complex, the bran is even more mysterious.. where does consciousness come from. The Earth is very complex and delicate, and we wouldn't be here without the sun, radiation-blocking belts around the Earth, and without a fine range of gasses in the atmosphere. Life is amazing.