Hello all,
I am the person who created the
helpusall site that has the helpusall.com/ap page all of you saw, that Levonian shared. I saw that there were people coming to it from alldeaf, so I was curious what was being said. So I found this thread with so many caring posts
I am not a member of peta, and don't work for any organization actually. I created this site out of a deep love i have for all beings, humans and animals. I've known more than 100 dogs and some have been very good friends to me. I realized that dogs are just like pigs or chickens because they are all conscious and want to avoid suffering, and all want to feel free to enjoy life in their own way.
The purpose of the site is to say:
1. we all want to reduce our suffering, and increase our happiness. all of us, people and animals. and we all matter.
2. there are some things happening that are causing great suffering to us
3. a lot of the suffering can be *reduced* by small, or big, actions. less suffering does matter
4. and to encourage us all to learn about these things.... and to follow our own personal highest feelings and heart, and to explore and grow and learn.
I sometime wish I could do something but I know they could be win unless there have maybe a million people who want it to stop then we could win.
We already are 'winning'. Winning, to me, means reducing suffering, and creating positive changes.
"Perfection is often not possible, but improvement almost always is possible"
Think of any positive change that has ever happened to society... almost every single meaningful change was an
improvement, rather than a full
ideal perfection... and those improvements helped so many. Maybe "winning" means "trying your sincerest"
Here are some giant changes, to the very core of culture, that have already been made...
solid cultural improvements that will help animals and us
About 1/3 of the US population is making effort to eat less meat, and vegetarian food sales are forecast to increase 60% in 5 years. Vegetarian foods are now mainstream options at many resturants, even at Burger King.
Getting a farm to save animals sounds just like what Farm Sanctuary did

that's so nice
Animals are sharing this Earth with us. Some say God put them here for us to use. Since we are able to live healthfully without killing and eating animals, I can't imagine God would not support us to find more peaceful and compassionate ways of eating. I feel God would want me to live as peacefully and compassionately as I can.
As much as the reality breaks my heart, i feel even more hurt if i was numbed or desensitized not to care. When i care, it hurts but i can feel love, and thankfully there are many ways i can help. That feeling of love is something i would never sacrifice..
I created another page to show some of the major benefits of eating less animal foods, and more plant foods. If a person eats 1 meatless meal a week, it Helps... focus on improvement
benefits to our health, to our air/water/soil, and to the animals all with solid references
i hope you welcome my posts here. i have my hearing, but i can certainly sympathize with anyone, no matter what limitations they have (and how many more abilities they have). I have a list of people and animals who inspire me to be a better person, and 2 of them are W. Mitchell and Hellen Keller. Two people who had much more limitation than most of us had... but they achieved more than most of us achieve

A quote by W. Mitchell I love is "Before I was paralyzed there were 10,000 things I could do; now there are 9,000. I can either dwell on the 1,000 I've lost or focus on the 9,000 I have left."
I believe it's true, I think we have an infinite number of abilities... most that we never even explore at all. So if we lose a few, we are still left with an infinite amount
Our Shared Desire