Animal Cruelty is okay?



I guess it is okay to put cochlear implants on animals!

"Hear, kitty! Hear, kitty! Can you hear me talk?"
Well if it helps the animal function better in their lifetime, then why not?
How did you know if the cat could function better in their lifetime? Do you realize what you've just stated?!?
Yes I have read the magazine about CI on a dog and a cat.

A lady convinced us the reason why she implanted her Golden Lab. with CI because of upbringing with deaf animals are stress and also notice that they feel happier when they "hear" something than before... :ugh3:
Wow. I cannot believe how quick you were to say it is such a nice thing to have CIs because without CIs, Deaf people are sad miserable beings who need to hear.

That's the message I am getting from you ladies.
It doesn't mean that I am for CI on babies, toddlers and animals but share with you what I know from read the magazine...

I personally would not do that to babies, toddlers and animals.
Deaf258 said:
That's the message I am getting from you ladies.

Now I'm not saying that this is not animal cruelty because it is, we don't often see pets wearing glasses, riding on wheelchairs etc, Cochlear implants are just hearing aids for profoundly deaf people and they're not for animals...
Now I'm not saying that this is not animal cruelty because it is, we don't often see pets wearing glasses, riding on wheelchairs etc, Cochlear implants are just hearing aids for profoundly deaf people and they're not for animals...

I've seen dogs with wheelchairs? - wheels for hind legs because of hip problems so I think it's a GREAT thing to improve the extended member of the family. Hugs, Suzi
I've seen dogs with wheelchairs? - wheels for hind legs because of hip problems so I think it's a GREAT thing to improve the extended member of the family. Hugs, Suzi

Oh yessss, you're right , those little wheels, I remember seeing it on one of the dog on TV animal planet...
You got to be kidding me?...:eek3: , can you find a link to that story, I would like to read it please...

I am still searching to find out about a dog. It's shame that I cannot remember lady's name with few pictures from the magazine, I read last year... :ugh3:

That's one I found out but it's only cat...

Scientists Train
Deaf Cats to 'Hear'
FRANKFURT, Germany - Researchers at the Physiologisches Institut III reported that completely deaf animals-and probably humans-can be trained to "hear" if their hearing loss is addressed at a young age. Deaf kittens who received special cochlear implants in their ears "learned" how to hear. "It awakened their brains," said Rainer Klinke, a scientist involved in the project.

The cochlear implants, which resemble ordinary hearing aids, were implanted in 3 to 4-month-old cats that are naturally born deaf. As part of the project, the cats were also trained to wear little jackets that held part of the implant's mechanism. They were then carefully tested.

"Within one to three weeks, the cats reliably responded to tones," the research team reported in the journal Science. "If you whistle, they will come and of course get their reward." Electrodes confirmed that the cats' brains were indeed responding as if they were hearing actual sounds. - Kitty News
How sad. I know about it happening though. I read about Coclear implants being tested on chinchilla's. That's one of the reasons I don't like them.

Dogon wheelchairs are an entirely differant thing as long as the animal agrees to it. I tried one with my pet rat Darktan who had hind leg paralisis but she hated the thing. If I wanted her to move quicker I just had to produce the harness that went with it. She dragged herself away really quickly, so in the end I decided she was happier to move about on her 2 front legs and it would be kinder to let her.
Now I'm not saying that this is not animal cruelty because it is, we don't often see pets wearing glasses, riding on wheelchairs etc, Cochlear implants are just hearing aids for profoundly deaf people and they're not for animals...

I didn't mean you, Angel! Sorry about that..

I am just taken aback on how some deaf members of AD would be so quick to say cats and dogs should get implants. That's the attitude I don't like.

Even though this vlog is about animals on Death Row, her point was accurate on how hearing (and some "d"eaf) people in general view animals with deafness is same on how they view deafness in humans.
How did you know if the cat could function better in their lifetime? Do you realize what you've just stated?!?

:giggle: Yeah, how would a cat function better in their lifetime? to hear itself meowing?
I'm sorry but your avie is fucking funny. That cat looks like it's a vessel for an alien host to take over the planet.

Edit; wait. Why am I sorry, it's a fact!

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