1) Dreama's response - I said nothing about implanting wildlife...you did. I see no benefit in implanting any animal for any reason.
In which case why keep talking about wildlife for? Implanted animals are usually part of animal research or some rich people's misguided attempts to 'help' their pets. I'm glad you can see the futility of it but you seemed to be saying that animals were sad when not whole so I assumed you were for animals having CI.
You keep giving examples of how animals behave in the wild for your supposed claim that disabled animals do not cope so well. First of all I've heard stories about animals in the wild caring for disabled pack members. I'll hunt them down if you like.
Yes, in some ways Animals are different then us and differant from each other, which is why animal research often gives wrong results.
As one of the more intelligent species of animal, humans are probably more self aware then most animals, and can compare themselves with other humans around them. Wheras other animals would more instinctively made do with whatever bits they had, instead of mourning the bits that were missing like some humans may do if they don't have a positive attitude.
You say you shouldn't atribute human carateristics on animals yet you also say animals are miserable if they don't come fully equiped, which isn't true. They just basicly get on with it and so should we.
We do have shared features with other animals, partiularly other intelligent animals. Having worked with 2 guide dogs and observed my rat colony, and from what I have read elsewhere animals are capable of a whole range of emotions and are not just mindless robots that are just driven by instinct the way some people think they are. They all have differant and distinctive personalities. They can feel pleasure, Jalousy, remorse, embarrasment, grief, fear, etc etc...
For example: When my rat Nancy came at first she had great problems getting along with other rats and didn't behave very well towards them. She did mellow eventually. However only one rat would show forgiveness for her past behavior. The others continued to be very hostile to her. Particularly Bella who was the group Alpha and knew her when she was behaving particularly badly. She definately remembered Nancy although Momma and Candy weren't around at the time but were still hostile with Nancy non the less. (I got Momma and Candy to keep Nancy company) It's as if Bella told them: "Nancy's a trouble maker. You will have to attack her if she tries to join us". (The words are mine but there was definately communicated emotions between Bella and the other rats).
When Nancy died suddenly, the other rats avoided Bella. They also avoided each other as if they were feeling remorse.