I don't know about "we" but speaking for myself, I am saying it's not okay at all. i lost a lot of sleep worrying about an AD member last summer, I did spend nights staring at the ceiling trying ot figure out how to help her get out of hell and there were times her stories were so awful i couldn't eat, my stomach was too twisted. To find out it was all a lie was a horrible shocking feeling. that was why ever since, I've been wary about AD members being too open with me if we didn't know each other very well already. Whenever one sends a PM to me that's very personal and full of problems in their lives, I just don't have it in me to get engaged with them personally because of what happened last summer. Now I just don't answer the PMs or I would reply very curtly and wish them luck.
the fact the AD fakers have issues does not excuse what they did in any way whatsoever. It is NOT ok to mess with people's heads and hearts like that. I can't even feel sorry for them. Just don't have it in me to forgive such things.
somone, CSign, brought up the word "empathetic" - empathetic? Uh, to have empathy would mean you can empathize because you've been in their shoes, having this need to make up fictional characters and making people believe your lies. Never had that need therefore, don't have any empathy for this at all. Whatsoever.