an article worthy of discussion

I was very upset and sickened today,young girl I know pregnant third child all be 9months apart the young girl got have medical treatment and she been told 80%chance baby be DEAF so she having abortion bc of deaf,she not been told the things can be done...have abortion for anything but not deaf,the reasons will be written fetus deaf this so negates perceptions people have medical most time go on unless have ci will be offered abortion as alternative:(

Wow that's so sad.
So sad...If I was told my fetus had an 80% chance of being deaf, my initial response would be "Oh, but the baby is healthy, right?"

Don't get me wrong, I 00% respect a woman's right to choose, but it's also important that the women are educated and given resources about everything first, especially if the fetus has a medical condition. I'm getting my MA in special ed, and in my classes we talk a lot about parents acceptance. In many cases, when a dr. tells the family that the fetus or baby (if already born) has a medical condition, no matter what it is, it's usually "I'm sorry to tell you this, but your baby has..." or "Unfortunately, it appears you baby has...". That alone can shape how a mother handles the initial diagnosis. Because of prenatal screening/testing, doctors can detect problems. As of now, roughly 90% of fetuses with Downs Syndrome are aborted...

Im not sure i folllow, so you support a womens right to choose to kill (abort) a deaf baby, but also think the women should have more info re medical conditions?
I dont want the thread to get deraled re bortion but i think its important to see through ideological lenses here.
Why support a womens or anyones for that matter right to kill a baby. Period. Let alone for the motive of not wanting a deaf baby?
How about not wanting a black one?
Not wanting a girl?
Choice is good, but the choice of what exactly are you here respecting?
"The right to choose" is a catchy line, it helps us view babies and humans as products, dont like this, get rid of it, try again, maybe the end result is more what ever taste the mother wishes. Blond hair, blue eyes, ect.
There is some very dangerous thinking in the sound bite "the right to choose"
Im not sure i folllow, so you support a womens right to choose to kill (abort) a deaf baby, but also think the women should have more info re medical conditions?
I dont want the thread to get deraled re bortion but i think its important to see through ideological lenses here.
Why support a womens or anyones for that matter right to kill a baby. Period. Let alone for the motive of not wanting a deaf baby?
How about not wanting a black one?
Not wanting a girl?
Choice is good, but the choice of what exactly are you here respecting?
"The right to choose" is a catchy line, it helps us view babies and humans as products, dont like this, get rid of it, try again, maybe the end result is more what ever taste the mother wishes. Blond hair, blue eyes, ect.
There is some very dangerous thinking in the sound bite "the right to choose"

I don't feel like I need to re-explain my opinion on the topic. The "abortion" topic is quite loaded and one of the worst topics to argue about with someone (especially with a stranger on the internet). I will end this post with a "Let's agree to disagree" and will not comment anymore about this particular issue (if I choose to come back to this thread at all). Cheers
I don't feel like I need to re-explain my opinion on the topic. The "abortion" topic is quite loaded and one of the worst topics to argue about with someone (especially with a stranger on the internet). I will end this post with a "Let's agree to disagree" and will not comment anymore about this particular issue (if I choose to come back to this thread at all). Cheers

Was just curious,
See ya.....
Im not sure i folllow, so you support a womens right to choose to kill (abort) a deaf baby, but also think the women should have more info re medical conditions?
I dont want the thread to get deraled re bortion but i think its important to see through ideological lenses here.
Why support a womens or anyones for that matter right to kill a baby. Period. Let alone for the motive of not wanting a deaf baby?
How about not wanting a black one?
Not wanting a girl?
Choice is good, but the choice of what exactly are you here respecting?
"The right to choose" is a catchy line, it helps us view babies and humans as products, dont like this, get rid of it, try again, maybe the end result is more what ever taste the mother wishes. Blond hair, blue eyes, ect.
There is some very dangerous thinking in the sound bite "the right to choose"

Women have choices to abort fetuses because there might be diseases or sickness that they don't want the child to suffer, including the mothers themselves. But still with a deaf baby, it is not sickness at all. It also not a disease. It is just losing hearing loss. It is wrong for the pregnant woman wanting to abort a deaf baby.

Maybe she was not sure about having a deaf baby because she does not know anything about raising a deaf baby. But there are ways for her to learn how to raise a deaf baby. Anyway, that is her decision that she want to have an abortion. That is sad. :(
I was very upset and sickened today,young girl I know pregnant third child all be 9months apart the young girl got have medical treatment and she been told 80%chance baby be DEAF so she having abortion bc of deaf,she not been told the things can be done...have abortion for anything but not deaf,the reasons will be written fetus deaf this so negates perceptions people have medical most time go on unless have ci will be offered abortion as alternative:(

You sure it's not a very serious condition that has dhh as a secondary issue? It just blows my MIND that someone would abort a child whose only issue is dhh......It's hard yes... but it's MANAGEABLE.
Women have choices to abort fetuses because there might be diseases or sickness that they don't want the child to suffer, including the mothers themselves. But still with a deaf baby, it is not sickness at all. It also not a disease. It is just losing hearing loss. It is wrong for the pregnant woman wanting to abort a deaf baby.

Maybe she was not sure about having a deaf baby because she does not know anything about raising a deaf baby. But there are ways for her to learn how to raise a deaf baby. Anyway, that is her decision that she want to have an abortion. That is sad. :(

Exactly... there's extreme profound birth defects and really horrible degenerative diseases, such as Tay Sachs etc.....but dhh?!?!?!?
I putting my point over badly,if want end pregnancy just end it no reasons just mothers .Personally I think fetus is just made of cells not as yet human obviously after 16weeks that's reviewed.
you againsts babies forced into ci this will happen it be part of the package of education double edge sword..You well educated Deaf person hochi unfortunately people that force woman have baby are hearing well educated and CI is part of that rightly or wrongly. I am high jacking thread and don't want do that so I not mention it again.
On subject of CI I remember a case in Germany it hit world headlines the parents were deaf so was baby they refused let their child have ci so child put into care and parents had for cruelty this appauling I never knew outcome but I believe it issue with some countries that kids parents are goaded or insinuated they cruel if no ci..myself I think child should be of age they know what they doing that should be compulsory the pro and cons given by deaf those with and with out and those where it was not a success...I do agree people who make them got vested intrest do these people care about deaf or is it money bit of both I suspect