an article worthy of discussion

I doubt there's any more room for advancement...Remember even thou "artificial hearing" is good, we still haven't made something that can make an exact replica of hearing person hearing.
And before I'm attacked...if the CI is SO wonderful, then how come ex hearing people are always looking for a cure?

That is because they could not accept their child's or children's deafness. It has been like that with hearing people trying to find cure for deafness for long time back in 1800. They had gone through crazy inventions to find a cure for deafness. I wish they would just let the inventions go. Stop worry about finding a cure. Geeze. :roll:
hochi, again technology has its limitations especially with kids who were born that way.

Yes iM aware of that. im also aware technology keeps i can ignore that. And say it will always be inpossible. Or i can take these companies and the ideology that drives them at thier word.
But i agree with you, as it stands now..
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Yes iM aware of that. im also aware technology keeps i csn ignkre thst. And say it will alwaya bw inpossible. Or i can take these companies and the ideology that drives them at thier word.
But i agree with you, as it stands now..

So you'd buy into a company's PR shill? Trust me... it is going to be many thousands of years before any cure will happen for pediatric dhh.
Most hearing loss is aquirred.....Most cures will affect them. That is what they are talking about with finding a cure for hearing loss. Only about 10% of hearing loss is pediatric. It's going to be a LOT more complicated to find a cure for pediatric dhh.
That is because they could not accept their child's or children's deafness. It has been like that with hearing people trying to find cure for deafness for long time back in 1800. They had gone through crazy inventions to find a cure for deafness. I wish they would just let the inventions go. Stop worry about finding a cure. Geeze. :roll:

Yup, I know Beo.
Dhh as a standalone thing is really No Big Deal, when you give the kid all the possible tools. They need to stop working on any cures and find cures for REAL stuff like diabetes, depression, bipolar scheziophernia, autism and so on and so on.....
Yup, I know Beo.
Dhh as a standalone thing is really No Big Deal, when you give the kid all the possible tools. They need to stop working on any cures and find cures for REAL stuff like diabetes, depression, bipolar scheziophernia, autism and so on and so on.....

Oh Lord, the Autism cure debate...that's not a fun discussion..
Oh Lord, the Autism cure debate...that's not a fun discussion..
I was tempted to comment on that. But i went with the impression that she is not familiar with the issue and meant no ill will to those of us on the Autism Spectrum.
Much the same way that most hearing laypersons would think all Deaf people want to be "cured"

A good place to research the issue
I was tempted to comment on that. But i went with the impression that she is not familiar with the issue and meant no ill will to those of us on the Autism Spectrum.
Much the same way that most hearing laypersons would think all Deaf people want to be "cured"

A good place to research the issue

I'm sorry, sometimes sarcasm is hard to detect in posts. I am actually very familiar with the issue and may not have been clear with my post. I am getting my MA in special education with a concentration of Autism. I solely meant that the Autism-cure debate is not a fun discussion at all because it can get really heated and the thread did not need anymore ethical issues argued. Some people see it as a disease that needs to be cured while others don't. It's interesting because no one is probably ever going to experience both angles firsthand as someone possibly could with the "CI"'s one of those debates that never truly ends...

PM if you would like to discuss this more. I'm actually not h*llbent on a cure either, it's just an interesting debate and I enjoy hearing both positions but obviously I have my own personal opinions about it which may not be that far off from yours. Cheers!
So you'd buy into a company's PR shill? Trust me... it is going to be many thousands of years before any cure will happen for pediatric dhh.
Most hearing loss is aquirred.....Most cures will affect them. That is what they are talking about with finding a cure for hearing loss. Only about 10% of hearing loss is pediatric. It's going to be a LOT more complicated to find a cure for pediatric dhh.

I dont buy into it. I hope yoir right..Regardless of.tomorrow today they keep implanting...with barly a pause.bsbies and kida,and adults...
Couple.this with denying sign, or limiting sign as many many manymany do and wE a catasteoohe in a couple of generations...
Its justbthe oralist project. Continuing...
I dont buy into it. I hope yoir right..Regardless of.tomorrow today they keep implanting...with barly a pause.bsbies and kida,and adults...
Couple.this with denying sign, or limiting sign as many many manymany do and wE a catasteoohe in a couple of generations...
Its justbthe oralist project. Continuing...
Realize we will not stop technology. So it behooves us to educate and integrated and attract those with CI at young age to the Deaf community.
Not alienate any deaf or force them to choose one or the other.
Realize we will not stop technology. So it behooves us to educate and integrated and attract those with CI at young age to the Deaf community.
Not alienate any deaf or force them to choose one or the other.

I agree with this to a point. I also believe certain types and uses of technology stoped,
In the end its about the battle of ideas. It wont be easy, it wont be preety. then again nothing that is worth it is. As for alienating people. id rather sign the truth and let the die cast as it will, then hide behind empty pleasentries..
Thats my approach,.yours will differ. And in this fight, which is about the suevival of our language and culture A multitude of approaches is needed
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I was tempted to comment on that. But i went with the impression that she is not familiar with the issue and meant no ill will to those of us on the Autism Spectrum.
Much the same way that most hearing laypersons would think all Deaf people want to be "cured"

A good place to research the issue

Oh GOD. FYI I'm NOT talking about curing high functioning Asperger's type of autism. When I say autism....I mean classic autism. As in the type where it CLEARLY IS an impairment. There is a HUGE difference in functioning and abilty between a high functioning Aspie and someone with severe autism ....and heck, there even can be a HUGE difference in functioning and abilty between a high functioning Aspie and someone with high functioning autism that really DOES impair their day to day life.
Right now I'm thinking of the girl I know from Austrialia who has HFA and became so fixtated on her teacher that they were very close to bringing stalking charges (luckily they understood she had a social impairment) She did not learn, and it happened AGAIN!?! I'm thinking of the boy I know who is profoundly HFA and would walk around campus poking at the flab on his arms.....He could talk and was BRILLIANT......but he would do things like follow girls around, and he walked in on his RA when she was changing and he would randomly tell you that the skin on your arms was stretchy. He was NOTORIOUSLY impaired. I knew someone who attended a school for the Blind that had a lot of kids with significant secondary issues(basicly autism/odd behaviors/stuff you'd see in nereologically impaired students)....He said that being with Mark gave him flashbacks to the students at Perkins. I can give you THOUSANDS of examples of how HFA can be and IS impairing. Do we not remember Jake "Mr I'm Fixtated on The Ivy League" and his issues with stalking girls? (even thou he didn't mean to delibratly stalk them) ...Social agilty is a really important life skill. I can't count ALL the number of times I've heard people with HFA/significant social impairment say they wish they had friends, and that they wish they fit in and had a social life.....
I'm also thinking about ALL the parents of kids with severe/significant autism that I know....... and trust me, if you heard the stories I've heard you would be calling for a cure TOO!
Here's an anology........I can and do see how say someone with mild CP wouldn't be pro cure.... Those people can and do get along VERY well especially with all the tools.... However someone with CP that causes intellectucal disability and or severe physical issues would most likely STRONGLY STRONGLY benifit from a cure or at least an ameirolaration, so they could function at a higher level and not be dependent on others.
Again that's what I'm talking about with PR shilling. Pretty much all the people who will benifit from stem cells are ex hearing people. It also is still pretty much a theory......I have a hunch that the stem cell treatment is probaly going to be effective on a very individual basis and or will be effective for SOME types of SN loss, while not being very effective for others. In other words it may depend on the etiology of the loss....
I actually met a guy with CP, today. Very very kind man. Name, I sadly cannot disclose, but I want to see him again. His cp was so severe that at any time, either his face was consistently contorted, or his body was. My heart was alongside his, as I know how it feels to be separated from others by a stigma, and by their ignorance of one's own condition. I wish i had hugged him, and everybody I met today. I felt so welcome at gally. But I digress. This guy had severe cp, and still seemed pretty happy with himself.
So you'd buy into a company's PR shill? Trust me... it is going to be many thousands of years before any cure will happen for pediatric dhh.
Most hearing loss is aquirred.....Most cures will affect them. That is what they are talking about with finding a cure for hearing loss. Only about 10% of hearing loss is pediatric. It's going to be a LOT more complicated to find a cure for pediatric dhh.

Right but of those 10 percent that are, they are rapidly being implanted, these 10 percent is where our our leadership springs, is where our language keeps its vitality, by inplanting coupled with mainstreaming, and the closing of deaf schools, its been the oralist wet dream come true..and nothing short of a catasteophe for our poeple.
implanting is having an eroding on our abiliy. to cope and come to grips as a culture with the ci consequences..
Ive seen this ewth my very eyes...
10 percent isnt a small number.
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I was very upset and sickened today,young girl I know pregnant third child all be 9months apart the young girl got have medical treatment and she been told 80%chance baby be DEAF so she having abortion bc of deaf,she not been told the things can be done...have abortion for anything but not deaf,the reasons will be written fetus deaf this so negates perceptions people have medical most time go on unless have ci will be offered abortion as alternative:(
I was very upset and sickened today,young girl I know pregnant third child all be 9months apart the young girl got have medical treatment and she been told 80%chance baby be DEAF so she having abortion bc of deaf,she not been told the things can be done...have abortion for anything but not deaf,the reasons will be written fetus deaf this so negates perceptions people have medical most time go on unless have ci will be offered abortion as alternative:(

That is absolutely horrible!!:shock:
I was very upset and sickened today,young girl I know pregnant third child all be 9months apart the young girl got have medical treatment and she been told 80%chance baby be DEAF so she having abortion bc of deaf,she not been told the things can be done...have abortion for anything but not deaf,the reasons will be written fetus deaf this so negates perceptions people have medical most time go on unless have ci will be offered abortion as alternative:(

So sad...If I was told my fetus had an 80% chance of being deaf, my initial response would be "Oh, but the baby is healthy, right?"

Don't get me wrong, I 100% respect a woman's right to choose, but it's also important that the women are educated and given resources about everything first, especially if the fetus has a medical condition. I'm getting my MA in special ed, and in my classes we talk a lot about parents acceptance. In many cases, when a dr. tells the family that the fetus or baby (if already born) has a medical condition, no matter what it is, it's usually "I'm sorry to tell you this, but your baby has..." or "Unfortunately, it appears you baby has...". That alone can shape how a mother handles the initial diagnosis. Because of prenatal screening/testing, doctors can detect problems. As of now, roughly 90% of fetuses with Downs Syndrome are aborted...
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I was very upset and sickened today,young girl I know pregnant third child all be 9months apart the young girl got have medical treatment and she been told 80%chance baby be DEAF so she having abortion bc of deaf,she not been told the things can be done...have abortion for anything but not deaf,the reasons will be written fetus deaf this so negates perceptions people have medical most time go on unless have ci will be offered abortion as alternative:(
