AllDeaf Meet - 30 Jan, 2010 in NYC

I have more pix. Time to bed! Jclarke, Have a nice flight to LA. You need to get warmer in LA. Grr...
Damn I really missed out not being there. Must make the next one!!!

Good looking group.
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Look like you all had a great time! Its good to meet in real life and get to know one another. Hope there will be more Aders meet again. :)
I had gotten over 50 unread email message from FB into my Iphone. :shock: I will clean out them soon. Jiro, thank you for helping me to find some AD usernames for my post pix. but I need username of girl with black stripe wear. someoone know her usename and send it to me please. I will post other pix.

authentc, I m sorry that you can't make it due to severe weather last Saturday. I really missed you. :( Shel90 was brave to make it. Wow
Great pictures! I knew right away who most were, but I didn't realized Chevy57 or Juli-terp-to-be or the other people in the back row, now I know and it's good to see names along faces. I'm so glad you guys met one another, It's always good to meet other ADers. ;)
I had gotten over 50 unread email message from FB into my Iphone. :shock: I will clean out them soon. Jiro, thank you for helping me to find some AD usernames for my post pix. but I need username of girl with black stripe wear. someoone know her usename and send it to me please. I will post other pix.

authentc, I m sorry that you can't make it due to severe weather last Saturday. I really missed you. :( Shel90 was brave to make it. Wow

Great pics! They sure had blast time. :)
Very good pictures! Glad that you guys got a chance to meet each other who are from this AD. It's good to see that you guys have a good time together!! :thumb:
I had gotten over 50 unread email message from FB into my Iphone. :shock: I will clean out them soon. Jiro, thank you for helping me to find some AD usernames for my post pix. but I need username of girl with black stripe wear. someoone know her usename and send it to me please. I will post other pix.

authentc, I m sorry that you can't make it due to severe weather last Saturday. I really missed you. :( Shel90 was brave to make it. Wow

I know who this girl in a black and white strips was. if you mean her. Let me know. :D
I know who this girl in a black and white strips was. if you mean her. Let me know. :D


Top row: Douglas
Second Row: Oddball, Shel's Husband, Juli-terp-to-be, Jiro, Alex, Alex's Friend , me
Third Row: Phillip, FriskyMe Feline, Daredevil, Shel90
Bottom Row: JClarke
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This picture from Jiro. See girl with black & white stripes. What is her AD username?

Yes thats katy. I do not remember her screenname. She used to post it here years ago. Im sure Hope she comes forward to post it with her new screenanme or old username. ;) sorry. I have her on my fb so you can see the tagged photo with name in there.

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