AllDeaf Meet - 30 Jan, 2010 in NYC

5'6" here and I'm lol'ing
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who cares about the height? but still im taller than jiro, mwhahahaha
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who cares about the height? but still im taller than jiro, mwhahahaha

barely taller but I'm still bigger than you.. which is good! Can handle these feisty ones with ease! :cool2:

btw - police drill's going past my office :dizzy:
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doesnt matter anyway
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doesnt matter anyway

sure it does. unless you like to be manhandled :io:
btw Jake - how's your 22-dollah luggage? did it fall apart yet? :lol:
I'm so glad you guys had an awesome time! Sorry that I couldn't be able to make it but there is always next time. ;) It's funny how Phillips had caught you guys by surprised. (good thinking Phillips. :giggle: )

HEHEH :giggle:
Lucky My 28-years friend BL did bring the camera because I forget mine! :lol:

So Fun!! I will do definitely be there gather a party again! :thumb:

Lucky My 28-years friend BL did bring the camera because I forget mine! :lol:

So Fun!! I will do definitely be there gather a party again! :thumb:

and stay longer!!!
Glad y'all had a good time.....cold, raw wind, snow, and all.....