I do not recall his name, the inventor of Fuel cell system, I just happen to saw 1839 and I was like, shit! that is older than the idea of all Electric car.
The real problem behind this is just pure money. Oil companies have accumulated wealth, now that they have the "Power" to prevent anyone from trying to make changes, stopping dependency on oil.
Now, think of this way, 98% of vehicles in the USA is driven by oil, 2 percent is something else which means that oil has the largest market and can absorb loss easily. Here is the real problem that I am seeing whole my life. Whenever somebody got idea, for instance back in 1970's somebody came up the idea of transform coal into fuel for cars, and the research was so hot back then. Oil companies got scared, decided to drop the gas prices, guess what happened afterwards? These people who got involved in research realize that they can't compete with oil companies. They actually gave up the research. They do not have much of economic power to overcome the oil giants. Now, here is my point, 98% of market is oil and it is going to be extremely difficult to achieve the change. It is closer to "impossible"
Just think this way, if there is truly success with Hydrogen fuel cell which I hope for and if it true business happens, the price of gas is going to drop faster than you think and it can happen easily, that is because again oil companies have damn deep pocket and they can absorb the loss if there is no tomorrow. That is the real problem I am seeing. Here is proof, remember the oil spill in gulf last year? It is Big Problem Oil corp. and have they had issues with money? Not really and they did gone fine as if nothing happened.
Unless oil reserves have dried up, not much is going to make difference.
Bad News: Scientists Make Cheap Gas From Coal | Wired Science | Wired.com
This is something new but the message remains the same, it did mention that if oil price continues to rise then they will continue working on it. BUT it did mentioned that if oil price drops, they won't continue. See my point? The idea of coal to gas has been around since 1970s. I grew up area where there is so much coal mining, and did heard this.