Afraid of dying

Beowulf said:
Yup, I would rather be with a person diagnosed with HIV than a person with a cold.
You simply cannot catch HIV through casual contact, that is all there is to it.
Ignorant trolls are the worst diseases.
They deserve to be ugly.

Beo, come on, now. We all contribute to the chaos on this board. Lets give her the benefit of the doubt and try to educate her. This way, she feels better about herself, and we feel better for not having to bring our blood pressures down out of stroke range. ;)

But, yes. You are correct. It's much easier to catch a cold than it is to contract HIV. You have to work at catching HIV/AIDS, but you can get a cold just by standing near someone who happens to sneeze.
Miss P, simply don't go to Africa, they got more than 20 million people infected with HIV/AIDs! End of story and NEXT subject!
sequoias said:
Miss P, simply don't go to Africa, they got more than 20 million people infected with HIV/AIDs! End of story and NEXT subject!

I think she is legitimately afraid, so I think we should help her understand that HIV/AIDS is a preventable illness rather than something she needs to be overly frightened of. Truth be told, most adults should have more of a healthy respect for the illness. There's lots of people who don't take the disease serious enough, and they become infected.

There is a middle ground between being overly terrified of something, and overt frivolty. The problem is, most people don't know where that is.
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Oceanbreeze said:
I *used* to be afraid of dying, but I am not anymore. This is due to two reasons. One, I am a Christian and I know where I'm gonna go once my physical body is dead. And, two...

I have already died, and I believe I've seen Heaven already.

Back when I was alittle girl, I caught a nasty infection that spread into my blood stream and caused multiple organ failure. I was in a coma for five days. I also went into cardiac arrest (my heart stopped), and I was clinically dead. They initiated a full code (paddles, drugs, the works), and got my heart going again. I was treated for the infection and was on full life support until my organs could heal and begin functioning again. It took several weeks, but I recovered. They did CAT scans and found no brain damage from the lack of oxygen.

So, anyway, because of this experience I no longer fear death. I know where I'm heading once I'm done with my physical body. I have seen Paradise, and it's a wonderful place.

Wow, obviously you had the near experience death... Have you seen the tunnel ?
Miss*Pinocchio said:
But I saw Aids patient died in a terrible way...
skins falling off...

What if I don't go to paradise,
what if I go the other way, such as HELL!!! :Ohno:

Any pain to be suffered comes first. Instinctively you fight to live.

That is automatic.

It is inconceivable to the conscious mind that any other reality could possibly exist beside the earth-world of matter bounded by time and space. We are used to it. We have been trained since birth to live and thrive in it. We know ourselves to be ourselves by the external stimuli we receive. Life tells us who we are and we accept its telling. That, too, is automatic, and to be expected.

Your body goes limp. Your heart stops. No more air flows in or out.

You lose sight, feeling, and movement – although the ability to hear goes last. Identity ceases. The "you" that you once were becomes only a memory.

There is no pain at the moment of death.

Only peaceful silence. . . calm. . . quiet.

But you still exist.

It is easy not to breathe. In fact, it is easier, more comfortable, and infinitely more natural not to breathe than to breathe. The biggest surprise for most people in dying is to realize that dying does not end life. Whether darkness or light comes next, or some kind of event, be it positive, negative, or somewhere in-between, expected or unexpected, the biggest surprise of all is to realize you are still you. You can still think, you can still remember, you can still see, hear, move, reason, wonder, feel, question, and tell jokes – if you wish.

You are still alive, very much alive. Actually, you're more alive after death than at any time since you were last born. Only the way of all this is different; different because you no longer wear a dense body to filter and amplify the various sensations you had once regarded as the only valid indicators of what constitutes life. You had always been taught one has to wear a body to live.

If you expect to die when you die you will be disappointed.

The only thing dying does is help you release, slough off, and discard the "jacket" you once wore (more commonly referred to as a body).

When you die you lose your body.

That's all there is to it.

Nothing else is lost.

You are not your body. It is just something you wear for a while, because living in the earth-plane is infinitely more meaningful and more involved if you are encased in its trappings and subject to its rules.
Oceanbreeze said:
I *used* to be afraid of dying, but I am not anymore. This is due to two reasons. One, I am a Christian and I know where I'm gonna go once my physical body is dead. And, two...

I have already died, and I believe I've seen Heaven already.

Back when I was alittle girl, I caught a nasty infection that spread into my blood stream and caused multiple organ failure. I was in a coma for five days. I also went into cardiac arrest (my heart stopped), and I was clinically dead. They initiated a full code (paddles, drugs, the works), and got my heart going again. I was treated for the infection and was on full life support until my organs could heal and begin functioning again. It took several weeks, but I recovered. They did CAT scans and found no brain damage from the lack of oxygen.

So, anyway, because of this experience I no longer fear death. I know where I'm heading once I'm done with my physical body. I have seen Paradise, and it's a wonderful place.

I am interesting to hear about your experieces in heaven..mind if you could share with us what heaven looks like? :D
jazzy said:
Oh they brainwashed u too. They tell me I am going to hell because I am not saved cuz it does not make any sense to me at all after I experience a life after death, I did not see any hell there.

Perhaps, God didnt want you to see what hell looks like...Ive heard stories when people who arent christian...they died and saw hell for short time..then became alive...also became christian...soo...its probably bez you had short time experience of death...not too long...
Beowulf said:
"...doctors with HIV operating on you..."

Ummm, anyone want to field this one, or do you get the distinct impression this person is deliberately being an ignorant troll?
I mean, come on...

Miss P is right...bez remmy true story from Florida...the young lady went to dentist..and dentist did not wear gloves...he gave her AIDS...bez he was contacted with AIDS...she died from you remmy that story back in 80's?

Thats why the law changed and requires for dentist and doctors who operates must wear gloves!
So are you saying that doctors operating do not wear gloves???
There is too much hysteria and ignorance about HIV/AIDS and the previous post hardly helps.
Get a grip.
As for that "true story", there is no solid evidence. Scientists are baffled at how that could happen, so in other words, THEY DO NOT KNOW.
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Beowulf said:
So are you saying that doctors operating do not wear gloves???
There is too much hysteria and ignorance about HIV/AIDS and the previous post hardly helps.
Get a grip.
As for that "true story", there is no solid evidence. Scientists are baffled at how that could happen, so in other words, THEY DO NOT KNOW.

That's right! The Dentist did not wear gloves when he was operating the young lady's teeth...that was back in 80's...
Miss P, have you considered exploring the possibilities of having social anxiety? I'm no expert, but your language may be suggesting these symptoms in existence.

With AIDS/HIV - as always, it takes personal responsibility to keep yourself healthy. It just takes one person to be irresponsible, and the rest is a chain reaction I would think. Get tested if you're not sure, and if you are really worried about the presence of diseases, warfare, and death - qualified counseling or clergyperson of your religion can help you handle the stress of life; I believe. Don't be afraid to ask for help and just be patient with yourself.
coloravalanche said:
I am interesting to hear about your experieces in heaven..mind if you could share with us what heaven looks like? :D

I can't describe Heaven to you. The beauty of it is really indescribable.
Oceanbreeze said:
I can't describe Heaven to you. The beauty of it is really indescribable.

Did you see the throne first? or people there? Recognized anyone you know there? Did your spirit go through cloud then out of earth or ?? If it's too difficult for you to describe, I understand. :)
coloravalanche said:
Did you see the throne first? or people there? Recognized anyone you know there? Did your spirit go through cloud then out of earth or ?? If it's too difficult for you to describe, I understand. :)

With all due respect, this experience is intensely personal. I really don't want to open myself up like this. I posted alittle about it to help Miss P, but that's really all I choose to say about it. I was a six year old little girl when this occured, so my recollections of what I perceived Heaven to be is that of a small child. PLease understand I'm not trying to be nasty. I just don't like fielding so many questions about it. It happened. My family almost lost me. It's personal.
Oceanbreeze said:
With all due respect, this experience is intensely personal. I really don't want to open myself up like this. I posted alittle about it to help Miss P, but that's really all I choose to say about it. I was a six year old little girl when this occured, so my recollections of what I perceived Heaven to be is that of a small child. PLease understand I'm not trying to be nasty. I just don't like fielding so many questions about it. It happened. My family almost lost me. It's personal.

No Problem..I understand! :D
I asked God to let me dream about Hell... 10 years ago...
and I did, and Hell was scary....

I saw a bloody skeleton with a dead bloody demon baby inside of
the skeleton's rib cage.

Look like a woman who had an illegal abortion. :oh no:

Hell was reddish and Blackish place, very filthy and all.

So I woke up and never went back to sleep.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I asked God to let me dream about Hell... 10 years ago...
and I did, and Hell was scary....

I saw a bloody skeleton with a dead bloody demon baby inside of
the skeleton's rib cage.

Look like a woman who had an illegal abortion. :oh no:

Hell was reddish and Blackish place, very filthy and all.

So I woke up and never went back to sleep.

I am not trying to offend you...just hope you are telling us the truth...:)

Yes, Hell is scary place to stay's reality...alot of people dont realized or believe that hell exists...

I've heard stories about people went to hell for temporary times..then became saved...and testified to the churches/world about their death experiences...

Have you read the book called, "A Divine Revelation of HELL" Time is Running Out! Author by: Mary K. Baxter??

You should read this book! It is very good book and this woman is a christian...Jesus lead her to hell to see what it looked like...this book is simple to read...

I had chills spine all over my arms...and I felt it was powerful so...
I'm not afraid of dying. What I'm a afraid is of dying in a semi-vegtable state not being able to do something to make your final exit any more glorious than just being trapped in a bed or something like that.

I'm not afraid of death itself, it's a part of life.

What I am afraid of is the loss of control and/or suffering that often precedes death.