Afraid of dying

Pvt. Parts said:
I'm not afraid of death itself, it's a part of life.

What I am afraid of is the loss of control and/or suffering that often precedes death.

Now, this I can agree with you on! I'm not afraid of death, either. However, I am afraid of the potential suffering I will endure preceding death. I'm afraid of pain and suffering, and I just don't want to go through that. Of course, logic tells me my chances of dying in my sleep or pretty slim, so... yeah.

coloravalanche said:
Perhaps, God didnt want you to see what hell looks like...Ive heard stories when people who arent christian...they died and saw hell for short time..then became alive...also became christian...soo...its probably bez you had short time experience of death...not too long...

I was not christian 10 years ago and almost died but did not experience hell. I had a flash back goes back to when I was two when I got so ill and dead for a second but God healed me and send me back here on earth. (memory came back to me few years ago) I almost lost my life twice. That was when I discovered God on my own. It is sensitve subject here, no one like to talk about it especailly with christians people. I talked with them about it and they told me differently story so I leave at it and keep it to myself.
Pvt. Parts said:
I'm not afraid of death itself, it's a part of life.

What I am afraid of is the loss of control and/or suffering that often precedes death.

yes dying is worst part of life than death itself.
jazzy said:
I was not christian 10 years ago and almost died but did not experience hell. I had a flash back goes back to when I was two when I got so ill and dead for a second but God healed me and send me back here on earth. (memory came back to me few years ago) I almost lost my life twice. That was when I discovered God on my own. It is sensitve subject here, no one like to talk about it especailly with christians people. I talked with them about it and they told me differently story so I leave at it and keep it to myself.

What ashamed! Christians shouldnt be afraid to talk about hell...Im very bold to talk about heaven and hell...I guess its bez I grew up being pastor's daughter. :)
coloravalanche said:
I am not trying to offend you...just hope you are telling us the truth...:)

Yes, Hell is scary place to stay's reality...alot of people dont realized or believe that hell exists...

I've heard stories about people went to hell for temporary times..then became saved...and testified to the churches/world about their death experiences...

Have you read the book called, "A Divine Revelation of HELL" Time is Running Out! Author by: Mary K. Baxter??

You should read this book! It is very good book and this woman is a christian...Jesus lead her to hell to see what it looked like...this book is simple to read...

I had chills spine all over my arms...and I felt it was powerful so...

Yeah I am telling the truth, No I haven't read that book, sure I will read that book.
And I did saw an angel, too. I was sleeping on my bed, and I was crying
and asked God to let me see who is my guardian angel....
And I looked over my shoulder, and saw a tall man, he doesn't
have wings or white gown, he was an average looking guy,,, I believe
he has blonde hair, but didn't see his face very well. I knew it was an
angel and went back to sleep. I knew everything will be okay.

Do you believe there are angels walking around on this Earth, but
they looked and dressed so much like us.

I don't think they have powers, I think they are just messengers
and I don't think they go around and telling folks they are angels
just like the tv shows. I think they just help people and be there
when people need someone.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Do you believe there are angels walking around on this Earth, but
they looked and dressed so much like us.

I don't think they have powers, I think they are just messengers
and I don't think they go around and telling folks they are angels
just like the tv shows. I think they just help people and be there
when people need someone.

Angels are wonderful. :) Seen them many time. Some of them dress alike normal alike us; some of them wear white long dress; some of them have wings; once saw a golden angel. Power? dunno but they work for God and do what God told them to do.
Interesting to read Oceanbreeze's Sabrina's and others's posts here.

Simple is: Enjoy your life at PRESENT instead of think about yesterday or tomorrow. :thumb:

Enjoy your present life everyday is the best positive than think about tomorrow or yesterday.l
Nope, I am not afraid to die...

Have you see the movie, "What Dreams May Come"? Robin Williams and Cuba Gooding, Jr played in that movie.

You should watch that and that what heaven is like, and I bet it is BEAUTIFUL and very peaceful up there. I am not afraid to die, and that is part of life.

I love that movie and it get me TEARY every time!!!


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Miss*Pinocchio said:
Yeah I am telling the truth, No I haven't read that book, sure I will read that book.
And I did saw an angel, too. I was sleeping on my bed, and I was crying
and asked God to let me see who is my guardian angel....
And I looked over my shoulder, and saw a tall man, he doesn't
have wings or white gown, he was an average looking guy,,, I believe
he has blonde hair, but didn't see his face very well. I knew it was an
angel and went back to sleep. I knew everything will be okay.

Do you believe there are angels walking around on this Earth, but
they looked and dressed so much like us.

I don't think they have powers, I think they are just messengers
and I don't think they go around and telling folks they are angels
just like the tv shows. I think they just help people and be there
when people need someone.

Ive seen angels...once when I was 5 years old..He is my guardian angel...and later in 20's...I saw the same angel....also saw different angel with average looking guy...

Also, I felt and heard Jesus's voice spoken to my right ear when I was asleep! :)
I haven't see any angels yet...I think.

But I do feel someone have been around me lately since my dad's death a couple of months ago, I still do feel them around me. Maybe it is my dad, maybe it is my grandpa, I don't know who it is. But I do feel protect from them.
BabyAngel said:
I haven't see any angels yet...I think.

But I do feel someone have been around me lately since my dad's death a couple of months ago, I still do feel them around me. Maybe it is my dad, maybe it is my grandpa, I don't know who it is. But I do feel protect from them.

You aren't the only one. This is actually far more common than you think!
Actually I'm not ready to face death which i'm too young being for my proprite age, Perhaps I do willing come face death when am I turn into oldest age alike 90's plus. Reason I'd love to see my future grand-children and great-grand children too. Would be great benefits to see much different future things alike different stuff. (chuckles) Pretty much as much I like to see..
coloravalanche said:
That's right! The Dentist did not wear gloves when he was operating the young lady's teeth...that was back in 80's...

I was going to say the same thing you said, In fact that young lady was a virgin never took drugs either, and got infected with HIV by her dentist. It can happen, Just have to remind your doctor and dentist to wear gloves in case you don't see them wearing one.

Liebling said:
Enjoy your present life everyday is the best positive than think about tomorrow or yesterday.

I agree Liebling! Well said sweetie ;)
This is a very interesting subject, but not new to me. I have some information I would like to post. It is as follows:

writer for McCall's February 1988 magazine, pp.103-106

Scientists are investigating an astonishing journey described by people who
almost died — a journey that has changed eight million lives forever
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I have that magazine still in my possession. I typed about half way through that article, word for word in my computer. I don't have a scanner. If you would like me to post the "typed" article here, I can do that OR you can go to a search engine on the Internet and type in the name and date of the magazine and click on search/find and go from there.

Let me know if you want me to paste part of it or parts that contain words from the people themselves who experienced NDE. I do not wish to put every word of that article from beginning to end here because it is long.

By the way, as comforting as NDE may sound to many people, we should warn people, (especially those who are seriously thinking of committing suicide) against committing suicide no matter what or how much they are suffering and give a reason if requested.

Take care and God bless!
I don't want to suffer from bad diseases from long long time.
Just like Christopher Reeves, I wouldn't want to be like that.
Being paralyze from neck down. Afraid of car accidents and other stuff.

And there isn't any cure for AIDS and HIV in 20 years, I guess
we won't ever find any cure. Who want to take pills for the rest
of their life?
It kinda freak me out when gay men said heterosexual get it too, and continue to have homosexual sex, ignoring AIDS.

I guess maybe Meg and everybody is right, everybody get AIDS,
even marriage couples get them,
well fine then, I won't have sex anymore.... I'll just be celibate
and if a man likes me, I will turn him away and tell him that I don't
want AIDS from heterosexual sex, go away.

I want to die in my sleep, very peacefully, no pain.
Most people afraid to die.
I am not afraid to die. We never expect something happened to us. All I have to keep faith and moving on. One thing is I too don't like dying. I think it too much pain and etc.
Two years ago I had high fever and my appendix burst. I hate the pain that I never experience before. I was in hospital for six days because I was smokers for 10 years and had hard time to breathe. I was this close to shock and I was afraid of dying. The nurse told me it just pain and she understand what I feel like. When I released from hospital, i forced myself to quit smoke.
Sometime I want to smoke and I did and I don't like it. I know people will have hard time to quit or dont care. I respect to them. It was bad habits.

Rickcares said:
This is a very interesting subject, but not new to me. I have some information I would like to post. It is as follows:

writer for McCall's February 1988 magazine, pp.103-106

Scientists are investigating an astonishing journey described by people who
almost died — a journey that has changed eight million lives forever
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I have that magazine still in my possession. I typed about half way through that article, word for word in my computer. I don't have a scanner. If you would like me to post the "typed" article here, I can do that OR you can go to a search engine on the Internet and type in the name and date of the magazine and click on search/find and go from there.

Let me know if you want me to paste part of it or parts that contain words from the people themselves who experienced NDE. I do not wish to put every word of that article from beginning to end here because it is long.

By the way, as comforting as NDE may sound to many people, we should warn people, (especially those who are seriously thinking of committing suicide) against committing suicide no matter what or how much they are suffering and give a reason if requested.

Take care and God bless!

Please do tell since I am interesting in it. I never thought my expeirence was related to nde till someone told me it is same thing except each of us experience death differently.
I never seen an angel. I even pray for one to come down. The only thing i belive in is GHOST.I have seen a ghost!