coloravalanche said:
I am not trying to offend you...just hope you are telling us the truth...
Yes, Hell is scary place to stay's reality...alot of people dont realized or believe that hell exists...
I've heard stories about people went to hell for temporary times..then became saved...and testified to the churches/world about their death experiences...
Have you read the book called, "A Divine Revelation of HELL" Time is Running Out! Author by: Mary K. Baxter??
You should read this book! It is very good book and this woman is a christian...Jesus lead her to hell to see what it looked like...this book is simple to read...
I had chills spine all over my arms...and I felt it was powerful so...
Yeah I am telling the truth, No I haven't read that book, sure I will read that book.
And I did saw an angel, too. I was sleeping on my bed, and I was crying
and asked God to let me see who is my guardian angel....
And I looked over my shoulder, and saw a tall man, he doesn't
have wings or white gown, he was an average looking guy,,, I believe
he has blonde hair, but didn't see his face very well. I knew it was an
angel and went back to sleep. I knew everything will be okay.
Do you believe there are angels walking around on this Earth, but
they looked and dressed so much like us.
I don't think they have powers, I think they are just messengers
and I don't think they go around and telling folks they are angels
just like the tv shows. I think they just help people and be there
when people need someone.