Adoption or Biological Parents?

How many of you would be present during the pregnancy, at the baby's birth, cut the baby's cord, and take the baby home from the hospital, and raise for a couple of years and then be willing to give up?

A baby isn't a puppy. You can't trade it for another.

What parent would say, "Well, we'll give up on this one and get another" like it's car?

That makes no sense at all. Each child is an individual. There are no substitutions.
I am on the side with Veronica's father. Unless both of her biological parents do not want her, then she can be with her adoptive parents.

Her biological father wants her back so badly, so adoptive parents can find other child whoever does not want. Leave them alone and move on. :roll:

FYI, I am a white Deaf person.
As you posted, he wanted Veronica back. He never had any contact with her to begin with, so he wasn't getting her back. She wasn't taken from him in the first place.

If he wasn't using the tribal claim he wouldn't have any legal standing at all. Any other white birth father would never have had any legal case. It's only because he's claiming tribal rights, not father rights, that this in in dispute.

Even now, while Veronica is in Oklahoma, who's taking care of her? He's gone for days or weeks at a time on military duty. Who's taking care of Veronica? Where is she?
did veronicas father sign to give her up? if so, what changes his mind?

He didn't know the mother gave her up for adoption, he didn't find out til 4 months later, if the adoptive parents had given her back then, when he first started fighting it they wouldn't have had her for 2 years. He had to go on a military tour, probably for a year, so his fight was delayed.
He didn't know the mother gave her up for adoption, he didn't find out til 4 months later, if the adoptive parents had given her back then, when he first started fighting it they wouldn't have had her for 2 years. He had to go on a military tour, probably for a year, so his fight was delayed.

Gotcha. Oh Vericona should go back to bio dad. lots of people I met who are adopted constantly wonder as to why they dont want them. If they learn that bio parents want them then they will definintely go back to see bio parents. How can be sure this girl belongs to him? why didnt laywer or court let bio father first to see if bio dad wants a kid or not.
Here's the original story:

Couple forced to give up daughter
Child, adopted at birth, goes to biological dad

Author(s): ALLYSON BIRD Date: January 1, 2012 Section: NATION

A court battle over 2-year-old Veronica began when she was just 4 months old and ended on New Year's Eve, with her in a car seat headed to Oklahoma and the adoptive parents who raised her walking away childless. James Island residents Matt and Melanie Capobianco had tried in-vitro fertilization seven times unsuccessfully. They turned to an adoption attorney and finally found a birth mother in Oklahoma in 2009.

Matt works for Boeing and Melanie is a developmental psychologist, and Veronica's biological mother liked them. She even let Matt cut the umbilical cord when the baby was born on Sept. 15, 2009, and they took her home.

Four months later the couple received a call from their attorney that Veronica's biological father, a 30-year-old man named Dusten Brown, had filed for paternity and custody. They knew he had served in the Army in Iraq and lived at home with his parents, and that he had another daughter but did not have custody of her.

Several months later, the Cherokee Nation became involved in the case with a claim that the adoption failed to comply with the Indian Child Welfare Act, a 1978 law designed to preserve Native American families.

Stepping outside of a law office after handing over his daughter Saturday evening, Matt Capobianco said, "Instead, it's tearing apart families like ours."

Court records note that Brown is an enrolled member of the Cherokee Nation, making Veronica an "Indian child," and that the child's adoption would qualify as a "breakup of the Indian family."

Brown's attorneys also argued that the biological mother, Christina Maldonado, concealed her plans to put their daughter up for adoption, and that she required that she approve of any calls or visits to her hospital room.

Court records show that the Cherokee Nation initially denied Brown's membership, because Maldonado's attorney misspelled his name and provided an incorrect date of birth.

An attorney for the Capobiancos argued that Maldonado, who had been engaged to Brown, said he never spoke of his Native American heritage, never invited her to tribe events and never exposed her to Cherokee food or folklore.

One filing on behalf of the Capobiancos says Brown testified that he would give up his rights to Veronica to Maldonado so long as he "would not be responsible in any way for child support or anything else as far as the child's concerned."

Brown's attorney, Shannon Jones, said her client never made that statement. Jones said Brown thought that Maldonado planned to raise their daughter, and he thought he had signed away his rights to her.

"In his mind, he thought that would make her happy, and she would come back and marry him," Jones said. As soon as Brown learned of the adoption, she said, he fought it.

In November, family court Judge Deborah Ann Malphrus, of Jasper County, ordered that the Capobiancos turn over Veronica by Dec. 28. The Capobiancos appealed and bought some time with an emergency petition.

Friday, an appellate court judge in Columbia also sided with Brown, and the Capobiancos learned midday Saturday that they would have to turn over their daughter at 5 p.m.

The two families arranged to meet at the Charleston Place Hotel, but Brown requested that they move the setting around the corner to Jones' law office, after reporters and photographers arrived at the hotel.

With a police escort, the Capobiancos walked their daughter to the office, while New Year's Eve revelers asked what celebrity warranted so much attention from media and law enforcement.

Inside the office, the Capobiancos introduced Veronica to her biological father and grandparents, and they colored together. Melanie said Brown's mother referred to Brown as "Daddy" a few times, something that seemed to confuse Veronica.

The families stayed inside the office for more than two hours, before the Capobiancos stepped out alone.

"When it was time to leave she got very upset," Melanie said. "I knew she's going to be asking for us on that long car ride home."

Minutes later, an attorney moved the Brown family's blue pickup truck around Market Street in front of Bubba Gump Shrimp Co., again to avoid reporters and photographers.

Stepping out from the restaurant, Brown and his parents said "No comment" as they put Veronica in a car seat and loaded three bags filled with her belongings into the truck.

The Browns pulled down Market Street bound for Oklahoma. The Capobiancos plan to see them again at the S.C. Supreme Court, where they will appeal to have Veronica returned to them.
He didn't know the mother gave her up for adoption, he didn't find out til 4 months later, if the adoptive parents had given her back then, when he first started fighting it they wouldn't have had her for 2 years. He had to go on a military tour, probably for a year, so his fight was delayed.
Apparently he wasn't a very concerned father.

Neither he nor any family members were present to support the mother thru her pregnancy, nor did they financially support her.

Neither he nor any family member was present at the baby's delivery.

Neither he nor any family member made any inquiries about the new baby.

Where did Brown and his family think the baby was for four months? What grandparents don't go to see a new grand baby for four months if they live in the same state? They didn't even ask for pictures or talk to the new mom?

Speaking of the military, when Brown knew Veronica was born, why didn't he immediately have her listed as one of his dependents? That would have entitled him to extra pay, and financial and medical support for Veronica. It can be done from whatever duty station he's assigned, including overseas war zones.

I don't see him or his family taking any of those actions.
He didn't know the mother gave her up for adoption, he didn't find out til 4 months later, if the adoptive parents had given her back then, when he first started fighting it they wouldn't have had her for 2 years. He had to go on a military tour, probably for a year, so his fight was delayed.
You don't find it odd that if he was concerned about the baby he wouldn't check on her status from birth to four months? Guys overseas do that all the time.
You don't find it odd that if he was concerned about the baby he wouldn't check on her status from birth to four months? Guys overseas do that all the time.

Then why did you refer to it in post #85?

What happened before he found out about it is not nearly as important as what he did after he found out, that why your question was irrelevant
What happened before he found out about it is not nearly as important as what he did after he found out, that why your question was irrelevant
I believe it is precisely relevant. It appears he can turn his interest in Veronica off and on at will. He wasn't interested in her at the beginning--how does anyone know whether or not this later interest will continue thru thick and thin?
I believe it is precisely relevant. It appears he can turn his interest in Veronica off and on at will. He wasn't interested in her at the beginning--how does anyone know whether or not this later interest will continue thru thick and thin?

He wants his 15 minutes of fame ...
I believe it is precisely relevant. It appears he can turn his interest in Veronica off and on at will. He wasn't interested in her at the beginning--how does anyone know whether or not this later interest will continue thru thick and thin?

More than likely it had to do with his relationship with the mother. But that doesn't matter to me, and I'm not about to try gazing into a crystal ball and make rash judgements and predictions about it. He thought she was the mother, he found she just gave her away, sounds like a vindictive bitch to me.

This was 4 months we're talking about, not 4 years, not 14 years, but 4 months, and when he found out he stepped up and wanted her back. Bottom line, he's the father, he did not give his permission for this, he wants his daughter, end of discussion. These people playing it out for years after and not giving her to him immediately when he protested after that 4 months is despicable, and selfish. You can cry about them having for 2 years all you want, but he made his wants know after 4 months, they kept her from him that long, when they have no right to her, she is not their child.

No I don't have to agree with you. I'm done, those people are horrible.
The bio father didn't sign the form .. They all should have to check with him first before the documents can process it for an adoption. No matter what.
The bio father didn't sign the form .. They all should have to check with him first before the documents can process it for an adoption. No matter what.
He did sign the paperwork surrendering his parental rights.

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