Thanks Angie 1989. I feel so bad that you had your 1st Thanksgiving deaf.
Were you HOH last year? I am close to deaf.. Without hearing aids, I have about 20% left in low frequecy only at 100Db. (Right ear is worse, because higher volume makes my ear feel vibrations inside,very intollerable, "low noise tolerance", who knew I could have that when I cant hear anyway! HaHa!)Thank goodness for what my audio. Says my new HA's have, compression..
Do you wear any hearing aids?
Have you ever worn them, or considered learning ASL or an implant?
I told my family I want to start going to a Deaf school to learn ASL in jan (my christmas and birthday gift) My sis got my toddler and I the entire Signing Time DVD collection, so We are learning and practicing a lot from those too. Have you tried alternate communication methods with your family?
I know how isolating it can be, and how hard it is to get the family to understand. I try to look at the positives, like, hey at least I can sleep noise free and better than any of you even when the game is on.

Keep your chin up. I know how it feels. Hugggs to you!