This is just my 2nd post here. Reading the last few pages of this thread has made me understand that isolation is very common. I have had to look up a few things to try to learn the causes for the hearing loss that some of you have experienced. I don't really want to become an expert of deafness. I'd just like to overcome some of the negatives.
So, that's why I am here!
My hearing began to deteriorate when I was a child. By high school, I thought that I'd figured out that popular kids had good hearing and were tuned in to everything and everyone around them. I had to focus on one person at a time.
Communication was a problem in my first marriage. I used to say that when she whispered "sweet nothings" in my ear, that's exactly what I heard.
Returning to college after the failure of that marriage, I quickly learned that I would be in big trouble without hearing aids. The audiologist said I should have begun using them 10 years before but maybe those guys always say that

. That was in December of 1983. So yeah, I have now used hearing aids for 29 years. I've gone thru quite a few and they are of almost value now.
Tinnitus first showed up about 15 years ago but was only noticeable when the aids were out. About 10 years ago, that began to change. To keep people from feeling sorry for me I claim to live in a
quiet world. That isn't true - I feel as tho' I'm standing on an interstate, or maybe a go-cart track :roll: .
Isolation is about the best way to describe my existence. I remarried and have grown children from both marriages but everyone has real trouble communicating with Dad. I'm kind of an old guy now but still work some thru about half the year. I mostly try to avoid people hoping that something isn't said to me that I can't understand. Oh yes, I still have some hearing but comprehending speech is really, really difficult. I "faked it" for years and finally realized that I was only picking up about 10% of what was being said :/ .
That was 7 years ago when I finally really began to pull back from interacting with others. I even pulled back from a late-deafened support group. When I tried to reconnect 2 years ago, I just felt that I made a mess of it and stopped without really even starting. No one who I once knew was still involved.
With a few years experience in online hobby forums, I hope this is a good place for me to learn how to deal with so much hearing loss. I am looking forward to trying
