That's really a tough situation when someone you know needs help but refuses to get any.

I happen to have bipolar myself (bipolar I rapid cycling), so if you ever want to learn more about it or have questions, feel free to PM me anytime. :)

By the way, it isn't uncommon for *some* people with OCD to have cluttered apartments/homes. They become so preoccupied with their obsessive thoughts (like your friend does with herbal therapies) that they neglect other aspects of their lives.

Okay. I will PM you.

I agree with you about my friend. :( I can't deal with her about mental issues and doctors. If I talk to her about subject. She will be angry easy. I think she have a problem with personality. She has been stress all life. She can be depress sometime. I never hear about voice abusive. I would like to talk with you on pm.
Okay. I will PM you.

I agree with you about my friend. :( I can't deal with her about mental issues and doctors. If I talk to her about subject. She will be angry easy. I think she have a problem with personality. She has been stress all life. She can be depress sometime. I never hear about voice abusive. I would like to talk with you on pm.


I just replied to your PM. :)
ADD/ADHD is a life-long thing. Most of them are not even diagnosed until they are adults.

If you have it and it disappears, it is probably just a fluke or a misdiagnosis.

I have been diagnosed with autism, ADHD, ADD, OCD... and so on. All of them got ruled out when they found out that I was both deaf AND blind. Apparently, according to the therapists and doctors, if you have any kind of sensory losses, any neurological diagnosis can't really be applied since it's hard to distinguish the physical, neurological and emotional disorders.
Oh fun, I'm hearing but ADD behavior controlled, as mom was a phyco-something or other/ESE teacher I never got 'diagnosed'

I describe ADD like this-

Its like having a conversation through a dirty/tinted, closed window with all kinds of flashing lights and sirens and three different tvs on different channels and 4 radios/CC programs running.
Oh fun, I'm hearing but ADD behavior controlled, as mom was a phyco-something or other/ESE teacher I never got 'diagnosed'

I describe ADD like this-

Its like having a conversation through a dirty/tinted, closed window with all kinds of flashing lights and sirens and three different tvs on different channels and 4 radios/CC programs running.

I have ADHD, but my experience is quite different. I just get lost in all of my thoughts, but I can't tell that I am lost you know. I'm not aware of the noise, my thoughts are just all over and come and go at the speed of light. I only noticed it because people commented on my behavior. However, I can feel the difference when I'm on or off medication.
I have ADHD, but my experience is quite different. I just get lost in all of my thoughts, but I can't tell that I am lost you know. I'm not aware of the noise, my thoughts are just all over and come and go at the speed of light. I only noticed it because people commented on my behavior. However, I can feel the difference when I'm on or off medication.
See, I was diagnosed with ADHD as well, and I was on ritalin until 6th grade. Even now, I'm pretty much the same as you- lightning fast thoughts, getting lost in a second without realizing it, etc. I find myself having a hard time retaining information, I get easily confused, telling me something once doesn't work, etc. My dad thinks I'm a fruit loop (not in a bad way, I'm just very odd and spacy, and I talk really fast for really long and he usually can't understand me) and my bosses (old teachers) pretty much know that when something is left behind or something is out of place, its probably something oof mine or something I have not done, and now my inability to focus for ten seconds is a constant joke. but I get by. i don't take meds. better the enemy I know than the enemy I don't. :/
The meds work for me, there is a cost, but I'm aware of it and I am willing to pay it at this point in my life.
That's good, i'm glad it works for you. i don't consider my issues that debilitating, so I don't want to risk whatever function i have. How bad is the cost of your meds?
myself had been diagnosed with adhd at age 18, but i don't believe it. I also had been diagnosed with bipolar at age 14, so i believe that the adhd part is all bipolar behaviours lol.
myself had been diagnosed with adhd at age 18, but i don't believe it. I also had been diagnosed with bipolar at age 14, so i believe that the adhd part is all bipolar behaviours lol.

While attention deficit disorders, autistic spectrum disorders and many emotional disorders can appear to be bipolar, they are not. You can't really paint them with the same brush, and a lot of the different disorders require years, we are talking about maybe a decade or two, of therapies to pinpoint the exact causes.

A person with Bipolar is VERY different from someone that has ADD/ADHD. They may act the same on the surface, but their behaviours are different and the reasoning for those behaviours are different. Bipolar goes through cycles, in an up and down motion, regardless of the events in their lives. ADHD/ADD are extremely sensitive to the events in their lives, and thus their moods fluxes constantly.

The fact that ADHD/ADD are more closely related to autism, while Bipolar are more closely related to other emotional disorders should be sufficient enough to outline the differences between the two.
While attention deficit disorders, autistic spectrum disorders and many emotional disorders can appear to be bipolar, they are not. You can't really paint them with the same brush, and a lot of the different disorders require years, we are talking about maybe a decade or two, of therapies to pinpoint the exact causes.

A person with Bipolar is VERY different from someone that has ADD/ADHD. They may act the same on the surface, but their behaviours are different and the reasoning for those behaviours are different. Bipolar goes through cycles, in an up and down motion, regardless of the events in their lives. ADHD/ADD are extremely sensitive to the events in their lives, and thus their moods fluxes constantly.

The fact that ADHD/ADD are more closely related to autism, while Bipolar are more closely related to other emotional disorders should be sufficient enough to outline the differences between the two.

^-- great post.

Another thing, I hate the social stigma that comes with getting help for such things, I can't tell you how many of mom's kids (students) came back to her years later to thank her for saving their lives.

Some difficulties require medication, some don't - I used behavior modification. Oh my illustration was that the 'noise' was all my other thoughts and ideas, the taking to the person on the other side of the window was the 'task' that I'm supposed to be focused on.

I work with children on 'the spectrum' (I keep insisting some of them are MUCH better off then the drs say...) and tend to use SE (is this SEE?) to help communicate. Once I have a real command of ASL I may switch with new students, depending on how oral they are.

Hey has anyone else noticed that the farther from 'normal' someone is 'on spectrum' the worse their vision is?
There are different types of ADD and ADHD. ADHD is more severe than ADD.

The kind I had was where I wouldn't pay attention in class. I wasn't distracted by anything in particular such as television or video games. I just never paid attention in class.

That's right, and my son has ADHD, it has been confirmed by his psychologist. He had some difficulty as in staying in focused at school and paying attention, he also had some difficulty in controlling his behavior. For the whole summer he was seeing his psychologist, worked with him on his behavior goals. It was working out pretty well as for staying in focused at school, I believe he will be starting his medication on Monday, that's when he has an appointment for an evaluation by a clinical nurse specialist. :)
You might be interested to hear about my daughter. I have a 7 year old daughter who is deaf and has PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder). Let me tell you, it was so hard to deal with a child in my life. I also have been fighting with school about deaf education and it hasn't been successful yet. Have you heard about this one? I would love to find a few parents who have deaf and autism or pdd children.


I may be able to do you one better. I am Deaf and I have autism.
I know what bipolar is, i was diagnosed with bipolar at 14 yrs old and had struggled with it for the last 9 years, so I know what bipolar is all about. Thanks I dun need your explanation to me about what it is.

While attention deficit disorders, autistic spectrum disorders and many emotional disorders can appear to be bipolar, they are not. You can't really paint them with the same brush, and a lot of the different disorders require years, we are talking about maybe a decade or two, of therapies to pinpoint the exact causes.

A person with Bipolar is VERY different from someone that has ADD/ADHD. They may act the same on the surface, but their behaviours are different and the reasoning for those behaviours are different. Bipolar goes through cycles, in an up and down motion, regardless of the events in their lives. ADHD/ADD are extremely sensitive to the events in their lives, and thus their moods fluxes constantly.

The fact that ADHD/ADD are more closely related to autism, while Bipolar are more closely related to other emotional disorders should be sufficient enough to outline the differences between the two.
A person with Bipolar is VERY different from someone that has ADD/ADHD. They may act the same on the surface, but their behaviours are different and the reasoning for those behaviours are different
Souggy........ true. The two disorders are different.....but I think darkangel was saying that there are some symptoms in common that you really can't say is due to one or the other disorder. Make sense?
Oh and one thing that people might want to try before Ritlain and other meds is stuff like nautral diets, fish oil supplementation, etc.
Also I hate how some docs are not seeing the forest for the trees. Some people just have ADD-like issues as a part of a larger syndrome.
Souggy........ true. The two disorders are different.....but I think darkangel was saying that there are some symptoms in common that you really can't say is due to one or the other disorder. Make sense?

;) Yeah. Sorry, it's a knee-jerk reaction since I have been called Bipolar quite frequently by my friends due to my mood swings, even though the professionals say it is something else.

I apologize darkangel. I read your post wrong. :)
thats ok souggy.

for example, the mania in me makes me easily distracted and cant concentrate very well. the depression makes me too hmm depressed to focus, like cant think clearly. so you can see how those symtoms can be similar to one with add or adhd.

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