AD'ers nicknames

^^ why Poochie? :giggle:
Was Mann_K05

Jessie, Mann, K05, Manny, Mannie. (Its sound like a male :shock:)

Now KarissaMann05

KM05, Karissa, Mann, Rissa, Jessie (much better :D)

Okay, I now g2g!
^^ why Poochie? :giggle:

:dunno2: They called my nickname Since I was little girl!

I do know that a few members in here used to call me by my old sn Sharky... lol.. so the mad sharkster still is lurking around..hehehe.. in disguise that is!!! HAHAHA!!
I can't remeber all of them. Cheri had call me pepsi chickie,Koala had call me pepsi lady and Ozzie had call me PL
I don't think I have one for AD. :hmm: I had a different user name and i changed to this one not too long ago.