Hey there...I met this deaf 4 year old who is in foster care. She may be up for adoption soon and my husband and I are seriously considering it. She has no language at all and my heart just melted when I saw her.
Since you have experience with adoption...where does one get started and it is a really complicated and expensive process? If you would rather not answer here, you can PM me.
If anyone else here has experience with adopting a child from the states, feel free to comment here.
OOOH YAY!!! this made me smile this morning just to see!!!
First of all with foster care 'special needs' adoption the state/county usually picks up the tab
at least here they do... the first thing you need to do is contact your local office that handles foster care-- this might not be where you need to call but should be able to give you the correct info (since I wasn't totally sure where you're located)
Department of Human Resources
Here's a page about what's offered for Special Needs adoptions in your state- subsidies, therapies, etc... it's a great resource to get info off of-- I still refer to it for Kentucky!
NACAC | Adoption Subsidy
The process varies from state to state and with each child-- HERE you go to classes, have a homestudy (background check- safety checks, etc) then if you've got a child picked out that you want to adopt you meet, get some basic info etc-- if it clicks and you're still interested in that child-- you start transitioning-- visits, weekends, longer visits until the child is ready to come live with you-- after transition most times-- the court process starts. THAT is what takes so long here the dockets are full- during that wait time, they're a foster child in your home and treated as such by the state-- then adoption!!!
(looking at that-- Maryland has a kickass SNAP--special needs adoption program-- remimbursement and monthly subsidies are awesome!!!)
PM me if you have more questions, this was just off the top since I just got into the office LOL
and again YAY!!!!!!! Makes me so happy you're even OPEN to doing this!!!