
that would be awesome... just if she could be up for adoption now!! don't forget to update this thread whenever there's new progress. maybe there are more deaf kiddies out there that are adoptable somewhere do you know?
I agree with everyone, she'd be a very lucky little girl to be taken into your family! :)
Thanks everyone for the words of support. I have always wanted to adopt a deaf child for the longest time but never really seriously considered it until in the last few years. Now, this opportunity if it does become one.

:hug: everyone!

Do you know if she's in a deaf/ASL foster home?? if you got approved to do foster care and could get her in your home as a foster child first-- then you'd have more standing when/if she became available for adoption--

I know foster care can be tricky but there ARE many happy endings out there-- so if this doesn't work out-- know that there are always ALWAYS many kids in FC who are becoming leaglly free for adoption and are deaf/hoh...
Wow, hope you get to adopt this little girl. I knew one deaf couple who were foster parents for many years and they adopted two foster boys (they are hearing). Maybe you can be a foster parents to her till she is free and up for adoption?
If you do take a child to a foster home, be prepare if a relative of that child want to take her in instead (and some cases, the parents straightened up and want their child back if they are not the type who harm their child.)
The fact that you are considering this only proves that you are the wonderful, thoughtful, caring, and dedicated person I have always known you to be. Good luck!
Wow this is GREAT, Shel! I hope it works out for you! It would definitely be life changing for the boy. :)
If you do take a child to a foster home, be prepare if a relative of that child want to take her in instead (and some cases, the parents straightened up and want their child back if they are not the type who harm their child.)

Iam talking about adoption, not foster care. I couldn't do foster care because I can't go thru having a child taken from me again. It has already happened was more than enough.
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Wirelessly posted

shel90 said:
If you do take a child to a foster home, be prepare if a relative of that child want to take her in instead (and some cases, the parents straightened up and want their child back if they are not the type who harm their child.)

Iam talking about adoption, not foster care. I couldn't do foster care because I can gop thru having a child taken from me again.

That was a huge factor for me in deciding whether or not to adopt internationally.
Thank you everyone for the support..she is in foster care, not up for adoption. Ugh!
Thank you everyone for the support..she is in foster care, not up for adoption. Ugh!

Keep track of her. She may come up for adoption in the future. Is it possible that you could serve as a mentor family for her while she is in foster care. It would be a good way to have a postive influence on her life.